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How To Convert Categories Into Tags Or Tags Into Categories In WordPress?

It is possible to convert tags into categories or categories into tags in your WordPress Website. There is also a lesson on converting one taxonomy into another but this lesson guides you on how you can easily change a category into a tag or vice versa in WordPress.

For instance, suppose you were frequently using a tag for a long time and now you want to transform it into a category so that you can provide more filters by creating its sub-categories. If you just want to convert tags and categories and not other taxonomies then there is a plugin called Categories to Tags Converter.

How To Convert Categories Into Tags?

  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New page on your admin area dashboard
  2. Search and install the ‘Categories to Tags Converter’ plugin
  3. After activation, navigate to Tools -> Import page
  4. Click the ‘Run Importer’ link below the Categories to Tags Converter
  5. Under the ‘Categories’ tab select the categories you want to convert into tags
  6. Click the ‘Convert Categories’ button

How To Convert Tags Into Categories?

The same plugin i.e. Categories into Tags Converter lets you convert tags into categories:

  1. Navigate to Tools -> Import page
  2. Click the ‘Run Importer’ link below to Categories to Tags Converter
  3. Switch to the ‘Tags’ tab
  4. Select the tags you want to convert into categories
  5. Click the ‘ Convert Tags’ button

So this was a simple hany plugin for converting tags and categories on your WordPress site. Now if you want to go deeper into the functions of converting any taxonomy (including tags and categories) into another taxonomy then there is another lesson on the topic.

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