Tag Archives: direct democracy

Electing Women Into Executive Positions

Sangkrit insists for a future; conserving local naturalness everywhere with women owning the houses, not just cooking traditional dishes in the family but making their languages prevail as mother tounge by getting elected into every executive position for holding the motherland independent; since throughout the past mostly women were made to suffer the most.

Now; when independent people can themselves legislate and elect public representatives into executive positions instead of assigning them any legislative roles; women must get made ready to lead into every executive role like that through this smartphone stage of internet age.

Sangkrit works for that. So that becomes the way of unleashing a direct democracy everywhere without coming in conflict with any of the ruling leadership anywhere since facilitating for that kind of a radical transformation would place their very names into unparallelled eternal eminence. They just cannot be doing anything better for themselves as well.

Legally treating the marriage as mere a mutual understanding about living together; considering the pregnancy as individual right of only women; will pave the way of actual independence of women. Executing the program of Sangkrit as made explicit at the homepage of Sangkrit.org is the only real respectable route for all the women across all the countries alike.

Let Them Be Doing Everything

Smartphone stage of internet age deserves much more than mere representation. People from all walks of life are all the time in a position to determine virtually everything without getting represented for that.

It is the simplest so best to implement a direct democracy everywhere without any more delay and without any more discriminations. Let all of them be doing everything themselves.

A direct democracy would stablise the public life in a dynamic way of progressing forever.

Implement A Direct Democracy In This Internet Age

The representative democracy is proving unnecessarily divisive and is deficient through this internet age. Whereas now a direct democracy can regulate and administer everything efficiently without getting divisive like that. Unfortunately getting divisive has been the driving force of the representative democracy whereas geting divisive is absolutely unnecessary in a direct democracy.

Humanity, integrated via internet, is getting ready through the smartphone stage of the internet age for implementing a direct democracy everywhere; by demolishing all divisive and discriminating past and burying all representations forever. Seeing that the representative democracy; that is getting too old to work well; should soon retire into history for better leaving all political space for implementing a direct democracy everywhere.

The representative democracy has always been corruptible while the direct democracy would prove incorruptible.

Manage Diversity With A Direct Democracy

People using the smarphones become themselves also smart. They cannot be continued getting governed by the outdated substandards. Thus your future is almost destined to occur.

Minimising many chances of any public unrest, a Swiss style direct democracy may better be managing all human diversity along with conserving the local naturalness everywhere. Managing immigration with a national integration along with business-wise enhancing international cooperation with a neutrality in every other respect may complement that.

Politicians facilitating for that may get glorified in the final chapters of the political history of their respective countries. Smartphone stage of the internet age is already fast equipping almost all the peoples for implementing a direct democracy everywhere. That is going to be workable at very large scale also just like the internet works via smartphones.

Make Direct Democracy The World Order Of Internet Age

In July 1867, first case of cholera was reported in Zurich and soon the disease was spreading throughout, mainly among the people from poorer and dirtier districts. In December 1867, thousands of the people gathered demanding their democratic rights by challeging then prevailing political order. In the autumn, the epidemic stamped out but the canton was all geared up to create the most democractic political system in the world.

Contemporarily both the restrictive and the representative societies have equally failed in saving humankind from upcoming pandemic as now they are busy blaming each other. Through this COVID-19 experience of humanity, it is affirmed by now that a direct democracy must become the world order of internet age.

Independent people do not deserve becoming the subjects of any restrictive or representative masters anymore. Instead they deserve taking all the necessary policy initiatives themselves.

Any restrictions and representations upon the public will are all outdated alike as in this age of internet any people can online elect to post, suspend and transfer any trained officials subject to their performance in implementing online public decisions.

This deserves becoming a direct democracy in the internet age. Let us make this the new world order.

Swiss May Show The Way

Multi-lingual federal environ in a direct democracy is what works for Switzerland and that can certainly work for the whole world better. Swiss setup may show the way to humankind everywhere for acquiring an integrated political approach while conserving local environs through the internet age.

The Swiss system favours diversity openning up equal opporutinites to everyone involved. That is how the Swiss may show the way for curbing separatist tendencies anywhere. Separatism in the name of freedom is not independence but integrating the diversity is that. Still the local characteristics could get conserved as well.