Now you can easily monetize WordPress admin area dashboard. There are various plugins that allows to displays ads on the frondend of your WordPress site. But in this lesson you will learn how to display ads on backend i.e admin area dashboard. Great for multi-author WordPress blogs.
So if you are also running a website or blog with many authors, editors, contributors who get access to your website’s admin section then it is good to monetize your backend and start making more money.
Admin Ads is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to show ads on dashboard.
Start by installing ‘Admin Ads’ plugin in WordPress
Upon activation, visit your admin area dashboard Settings -> Admin Ads page and paste your advertisement code, HTML or Google Adsense or whatever you like displaying on your admin area dashboard.
Save your changes and that’s it. As soon new settings are saved, the plugin starts to display advertisement banner on the top of every admin section screen.
More features to come in future updates:
- Hide ads for specific users
- Show ads in different positions
- Show different ads in different admin pages
- Add modal ads
- Earn more even from admin users