SocialShare is the new WordPress plugin you can use for distributing various media types in an easy simple way up to the end user.
Code or Text Snippets
[socialshare-snippet]This is an example of the snippet shortcode[/socialshare-snippet]
Text can easily be wrapped inside the snippet shortcode, from a single line to a multi-page example of HTML/CSS code.
Text snippet gets automatically color coded based on it’s language detected like HTML, PHP, CSS, etc….
After the link is shared, the user gets the option to copy that content to the clipboard or simply view the code.
Download Links
Using following shortcode you can share a downloadable link for any sort of file like zip, jpg, pdf, etc….Content’s shortcode should be the title of the download, and the URL of the file should be included using the href option.
[socialshare-download href=""]Example File Download[/socialshare-download]