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How Many Words Or Characters To Use On Post Title?

Google’s search display limit for any content title is near about 60 characters which may vary from device to device. All search engine prefers shorter titles, so if your post title is longer than sixty characters, the search results page will cut off some part of the title. But nowadays it might get rewritten by AI automatically especially if your content is good.

Long titles with good content are more likely to be rewritten by search engines. But if you stick to the following limit, your titles are less likely to be cut off in search engine results, ensuring the entire message is visible.

For search-friendly post titles use:

  • Word Count: Aim for 6-12 words which is long enough to include keywords while remaining concise.
  • Character Limit: Use 50-60 characters as this length ensures the title fits within Google’s search results without getting cut off.

Keeping titles within these ranges can help improve click-through rates while including the main keywords for better search ranking. It’s important to make the title descriptive and engaging while focusing on primary keywords. Short post titles have several more advantages for search visibility and user engagement:

  1. Short Titles are Easier to Read: Shorter titles are more straightforward and can be quickly understood by users, increasing the chances of grabbing attention.
  2. Short Titles Display Better on Search Results: They are less likely to be cut off in search engine results, ensuring the entire message is visible.
  3. Short Titles may have Higher Click-Through Rate (CTR): Concise titles can be more appealing, encouraging users to click.
  4. Short Titles promote better Mobile Optimization: They fit better on smaller screens, enhancing the user experience on mobile devices.
  5. Short Titles Focus on Main Keywords: Shorter titles emphasize the core topic, making it easier for search engines to identify the page’s relevance.

How To Limit Post-Title Length? There are multiple plugins such as ‘Limit Post Titles’ that let you easily set a limit over post title length in WordPress.

Alternatively, if you use an SEO plugin such as All in One SEO or WordPress SEO, these already show you the extra characters you have in your title so that you can change them or use an alternative title for search engines that only displays on search engine results pages.

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