oEmbed has made video embedding much easier than before. It has completely changed the way of embedding videos in WordPress.
Back in the old days, iframe was the only easy way available for making a video embed but now you can simply paste the video URL in a fresh line and the video gets automatically embedded in a responsive layout. This is what we call as oEmbedding.
Wouldn’t it be easier if you insert YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion and videos from other video broadcasting websites to WordPress without leaving your post edit screen?
This article is about adding remote libraries in WordPress media manager.
Adding Remote Media Libraries In WordPress
Start by installing and activating Remote Media Libraries plugin. After activation visit your admin area dashboard Media -> Remote Libraries and click the ‘Add New’ button.
Now select remote media service from the drop down box.
You can add remote services like Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion by typing in your user ID then clicking the validate button.
This enables the plugin to access your ID. If everything goes right, it displays you a green sign.
Time to click ‘Publish’ button and the service will go active and available for future usage.
For inserting a media using your remote library:
Visit your admin area dashboard Posts -> Add New page or open any existing post to edit.
Click ‘Add Media’ button, you will be seeing your remote library as a link in sidebar of media uploader.
When the link is clicked, it displays you files from your YouTube, Vimeo, or DailyMotion account into WordPress media uploader.
Now all you need to do is select file you like to insert and click ‘Insert into post’ button. That’s it, it auto fetches the title and description of the file.
Currently the plugin provides you remote libraries for YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Flickr.
But the developers are working on to add more services like Vimeo Pro which makes your exclusive videos private right from WP admin, Instagram, Tumblr, Photobucket, Twitter, Amazon S3 Services and Cloud files.