Tag Archives: PDF Flipbook

Displaying PDFs As 3D Flipbooks On Your WordPress Website

Embedding PDFs as 3D flipbooks keep your content monetized where as flat PDF links open in the web browsers and you get no chance of earning through ads on your website.

Apart from this, embeds of PDFs as flipbooks look far more impressive than flat PDF links and the best thing is the visitor remains on your website while he reads the PDF.

This lesson guides you on how to embed PDFs as 3D flipbooks easily on your WordPress website. But first of all, you should know that now anyone can quickly start his own WordPress site simply by registering his domain name and then subscribing to a Managed WordPress plan.

To embed any PDF as a flipbook, visit Plugins -> Add New page and search for the ‘PDF Flipbook, 3D Flipbook WordPress – DearFlip‘ plugin.

Find it, install it, and activate it, upon activation visit Flipbooks -> Add New Flipbook page on your admin area dashboard. Enter a title, upload your PDF, publish it, and then copy the shortcode that appears on the top right section of the page.

Next, create a new post or page or open any old content for editing, (wherever you like to embed your flipbook) and simply paste the copied shortcode and the PDF flipbook will appear.