How To Internally Link Your WordPress Scheduled Posts?

WordPress allows you to easily link to existing posts, the ‘Insert Link‘ feature that works from your Add New/Edit post page allows you to insert existing blog post links in a click of a button. But what when you have scheduled a number of posts for future publishing and now you need referencing one of them in the content you are writing. In this tutorial we will discuss about linking any text to your scheduled post.

First step is to install and activate Internal Linking For Scheduled Posts plugin. Now when you add any new link from WordPress visual editor, at the bottom of that pop-up box there is an option to link to existing posts which provides you a list of possible blog posts you can link to. This default list doesn’t shows up any scheduled post. But when you activate this plugin, the list will includes your future blog posts too and you can link to them just like you link to existing posts.

You need to be careful while linking to a scheduled post in a scheduled post, otherwise it may temporarily cause error 404.

For Example:

Suppose its Sunday, and there is a scheduled post for Tuesday, and now you are scheduling your current post for Thursday then you could create a link in your Thursday post which links to your Tuesday post.

In-case if you create a link in Thursday’s post to some Friday post then it will cause error 404 until your Friday post gets online.

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