Posts excerpts are optional intro, summary or description of an article. It is a post summary added manually by post author. Post excerpts are generally shown on multi post pages like frontpage, blog page tags & categories archive pages etc. There are two ways of displaying post excerpts: Either you can add a more tag (<!–more–>) or use the Excerpts Metabox for displaying manually handcrafted excerpts.
What Is The Difference Between Using More Tag & Excerpts Meta Box?
More tag is generally used after the first paragraph of post. On multi post pages, it displays only the text used before more tag and complete article on single post pages.
On other hand, post Excerpts metabox present on every ADD NEW/EDIT post screen. It displays the custom handcrafted summary on multipost pages and full article on single post pages. The good thing about using excerpts metabox is you can use custom summaries which only displays on multi post pages (and not on single posts).]
Earlier we have discussed about Automatically Displaying Post Excerpts Instead Of Full Blog Post. Now today in this tutorial we will show you how to automatically display post excerpts on selected page types.
Super Excerpts plugin allows you to automatically inserts excerpts on selected parts of your website You can manually edit excerpt length and read more link.
Super Excerpts Plugin Features:
- If your theme shows the whole post content on archive pages, the search result page and the blog page then this plugin will help you place excerpts instead of complete posts.
- It gives you the ability to control the maximum length of excerpts.
- It also gives you the ability to change the “read more” text.
How To Use Super Excerpts Plugin?
Install and activate Super Excerpts plugin. After activation visit your admin area dashboard Plugins -> Super Excerpts screen.
Tick the pages types (Category, Archive, Tag, Archive, Date, Archive, Author, Archive, Search Results, Page, Blog Page) where you want the content to be replaced with post excerpt.
You can add a custom ‘Read More’ text and a custom word count for excerpts.