Now you can easily create unique feed URLs for each registered user in your WordPress site simply by adding Feed Keys to the end of the existing feed URL. Unique Feed Keys are made by hashing username or email against a randomly generated key. You can choose the key length and algorithm to use to hash the salt and the key together using new WordPress plugin called Private Feed Key. It adds adds a 32bit (or 40bit) key for your website users and creates a unique feed URL.
Installation & Usage: Install and activate Private Feed Key. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Private Feed Key page and set the options like:
- You can choose which character set you want to use to make the input key (Feed Keys are always alpha-numeric)
- You can choose the length of the input key, before it gets hashed (Feed Keys are either 32 or 40bit in length)
- You can ensure the key is unique, choose what user info to use as the ‘salt’ when hashing the input key
- You can choose how which algorithm to hash the ‘salt’ and key with. md5 (and sha1 followed by md5) will result in a 32bit Feed Key, sha1 (and md5 followed by sha1) will result in a 40bit Feed Key.
- You can select whether users can reset their own Feed Key, otherwise only admins can reset Feed Keys
Now, your users can generate their Private Feed Key & Feed URL from Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile page under ‘Your Private Feed Key’ section.