WordPress repository has many MP3 players but a few that tap into Google’s own lightweight MP3 player.
CodeArt – Google MP3 Audio Player
CodeArt – Google MP3 Audio Player for WordPress allows you to embed MP3 audio files in a player on your posts, pages and sidebar.
Install and activate it then upload your MP3 files to WordPress Media Library or anywhere else you like. Copy the full URL path of the uploaded mp3 file and to put in the post where you want to be displayed in the following format (replacing URL, WIDTH, HEIGHT and CSS CLASS with your with your MP3’s address):
[ca_audio url=”URL” width=”WIDTH” height=”HEIGHT” css_class=”CSS_CLASS”]
After adding your URL, WIDTH, HEIGHT and CSS CLASS in the above code, it must look like:
[ca_audio url=”http://www.example.com/path/to/mp3/file/audio_file.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]
- URL – Full URL to the MP3 audio file which you want to embed in the posts [Required].
- WIDTH – Width of the MP3 player (must be integer) [optional, default is 500 pixels].
- HEIGHT – Height of the MP3 player (must be integer) [optional, default is 27 pixels].
- CSS_STYLE – This is for the developers.