WP Ultimate Search is an advanced, highly customizable search alternative for WordPress site owners with the ability to auto-complete faceted search queries. Checkout its demo.
Installation & Usage: Install and activate WP Ultimate Search plugin then add its shortcode to a post, use the template tag in your theme files or use sidebar widget. For additional help and documentation visit its website.
Search Bar And Results:
Settings screen showing taxonomy options:
Features of WordPress Ultimate Search
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- Searches post title and body content
- Can search by multiple keywords, and by full phrases
- Highlights search terms in results
- Option to send search queries as events to your Google Analytics account
- Facets by post category
- Can search in multiple categories (OR search)
- Category options are dynamically generated and autocompleted as you type
- Attractive and lightweight interface based on jQuery, Backbone.js, and the VisualSearch.js library
- Customizable results template using standard WordPress functions