Tag Archives: WordPress

How To Find & Remove Broken Links In WordPress?

Broken Link Checker is a popular WordPress plugin that lets you identify and fix broken links on your website. A broken link, also known as a dead link, can negatively impact both user experience and SEO rankings. This plugin scans your website content—posts, pages, comments, etc to detect any non-working URLs, images, or embedded media like YouTube videos that may have been removed or relocated.

To start removing broken links using the Broken Link Checker plugin on your WordPress site, simply follow these steps:

  1. Install & Activate the Plugin: Install Broken Link Checker from the Plugins -> Add New page and activate it.
  2. Scan for Broken Links: The plugin will automatically begin scanning your site for broken links. You can monitor the scan in your WordPress dashboard under the Link Checker page.
  3. Fix or Remove Links: Once broken links are detected, go to the Broken Links page. You can either: Update the broken link, remove it, or dismiss that it’s not an issue.
  4. Bulk Actions: The plugin allows you to fix multiple links at once using bulk actions for faster management.

By following these steps, you can keep your WordPress site free from broken links, ensuring a better user experience and preserving SEO rankings.

The plugin does real-time monitoring and also sends you email as it finds any dead links on your website. You can fix or remove the link from the plugin’s interface.

How To Add Product Videos In WordPress WooCommerce Website?

You can add videos to describe or promote your products at your WordPress eCommerce store. This enhances the shopping experience and helps showcase product features effectively.

Woocommerce allows anyone to build an online shop without technical skills. All you have to do is register your domain name, subscribe WordPress, and install the WooCommerce plugin. Then you can manage your website from its admin interface.

This lesson will guide you on adding single or multiple videos on any product to its linked featured image or product gallery.

WPC Product Videos for WooCommerce

To start you will need to install-activate a WordPress plugin called WPC Product Videos for WooCommerce. Upon activation, open the product you want the video to be added or you can do this while adding a new product.

The product admin page will show you a newly added field for the video URL, this is next below the featured image section. Simply paste your video URL there and update or publish your product. It boosts product presentation and can improve conversions.

The plugin works for YouTube and Vimeo videos. Alternatively, you can upload your video from your WordPress Media Library and use then its URL.

Product Video Gallery for WooCommerce

Product Video Gallery for WooCommerce is another plugin that allows you to enhance product pages by adding videos to the product gallery. It supports various video formats like YouTube, Vimeo, or self-hosted videos, making it easy for you to display your product through engaging visuals.

Simply install and activate it on your website and then navigate to Products -> WC Product Video, now tick the checkbox to configure a setting, and then save your changes. The plugin usage is quite simple, to add a video to your product: open the edit product page and insert your product YouTube video URL in {Product Video Url} field. That’s it.

This plugin lets users upload multiple videos alongside product images, creating a dynamic gallery. It also integrates smoothly with WooCommerce themes, providing a more interactive shopping experience for customers.

How To Clean Unnecessary Tables From MySQL Database?

Cleaning unnecessary database tables means deleting tables that were created before by some plugin and now are not in use on your website. Removing such tables lightens up your MySQL database. In this lesson, you will learn about cleaning up a database manually and with plugins’ help.

Before making any changes, always ensure and be careful when deleting database tables, as removing the wrong ones can break your WordPress site. Always keep a full WordPress database backup.

Step-1, access your hosting’s cPanel and locate the phpMyAdmin option under the Databases section. Click on it to access the database management interface.

Step-2 In phpMyAdmin, find your WordPress database on the left-hand side panel. Click on the name of the database to view the tables it contains.

Step-3 Now identify unnecessary tables. Unnecessary tables might come from uninstalled plugins or themes. Tables that don’t seem to match the standard WordPress table names like wp_posts, wp_users, or wp_options may be safe to delete. Some tables have a prefix based on the name of a plugin (e.g., wp_woocommerce_* for WooCommerce).

Step-4 Once you identify the tables you no longer need, select them by checking the box next to each table. Then, scroll down and choose Drop from the options in the dropdown menu. Confirm the deletion.

Automatically Identify & Clean MySQL Database Tables

Alternatively, You can clean your database with a plugin. Plugins such as WP-Optimize or Advanced Database Cleaner let you automatically identify and clean up unnecessary tables without manually going into phpMyAdmin.

These WordPress plugins provide you with an easy way to clean up unnecessary database tables from your WordPress site.

What Are the Standard WordPress Database Tables? A Breakdown Of Core WP Tables

A standard WordPress installation creates a set of database tables that store various types of data, such as posts, users, comments, and settings. Apart from this plugins create their tables and some themes may also do that, but deactivating such plugins and themes leaves their tables on your website clattering your database.

In this lesson, you will learn about the main 12 standard WordPress database tables so that whenever you like to clean up your database you don’t disturb the core tables that are the life-line of your WordPress site.

  1. wp_posts – Stores all content types like posts, pages, revisions, and custom post types.
  2. wp_postmeta – Contains metadata (custom fields) for posts, such as additional information like SEO settings or image data.
  3. wp_users – Holds information about all registered users, including username, password, email, and user roles.
  4. wp_usermeta – Stores additional metadata about users, such as permissions, preferences, and profile information.
  5. wp_options – Contains various site-wide settings such as the site URL, admin email, time zone, and installed plugins.
  6. wp_terms – Stores the categories, tags, or any custom taxonomies used to classify content.
  7. wp_term_taxonomy – Describes the taxonomy (e.g., category, tag) for each term from the wp_terms table.
  8. wp_term_relationships – Links posts, pages, or custom post types to their respective terms (categories, tags).
  9. wp_comments – Stores comments on posts and pages, including comment content, user details, and approval status.
  10. wp_commentmeta – Contains metadata about comments, such as IP addresses, ratings, or spam status.
  11. wp_links – Used to manage the blogroll feature, which is now deprecated but still exists in older versions.
  12. wp_actionscheduler_actions (optional in newer WordPress versions) This is used to store scheduled actions or cron jobs, commonly created by WooCommerce and other plugins.

Each table uses a default prefix of wp_.

While installing WordPress manually on your hosting account, a step asks you to enter the database name, database username, database user password, and host and the last field asks for the table prefix which by default is wp_.

This wp_ is the table prefix. this can be changed during installation to enhance security (e.g., mywebsite_) and it also lets you host multiple websites on a single database.

To change the table prefix while installing WordPress using Installatron, in the “Advanced Settings” section, you’ll find an option for “Table Prefix.” By default, the table prefix is set to wp_, but you can modify this to a unique prefix, such as mywebsite_ or any combination of letters and numbers for added security.

After entering your desired prefix, continue with the installation process as usual. This change helps secure your site by preventing common SQL injection attacks that target the default table prefix.

How To Run Multiple Websites In One Database?

Some low-cost hosting options offer you one or a limited amount of MySQL databases. But do you know that you can run multiple websites in one database, and all websites will work independently without affecting the content and logins of other websites running on the same database.

You can also install different CMS or applications on the same database. For instance, WordPress and MediaWiki can run on a single database without affecting each other.

Running multiple websites in a single database is possible by using table prefixes or customizing your database structure. Here’s how you can set it up, especially if you are using a CMS like WordPress.

While installing WordPress manually on your hosting account, a step asks you to enter the database name, database username, database user password, and host and the last field asks for the table prefix which by default is wp_. This wp_ is the table prefix.

So all you have to do instead of using wp_ you have to use a different table prefix for every new website on your database.

For example,

When you install a CMS like WordPress, you can specify a table prefix during installation. If you want to run multiple websites in one database, use different table prefixes for each website. For example:

  • Website 1: wp1_
  • Website 2: wp2_

This way, the tables for each website will be separated within the same database.

For easy remembrance you can use wp1_ , wp2_, wp3_, wp4_ and so on. Not only WordPress but you can install any CMS by using a different unique for each website you install on your database.

For non-CMS-based websites, you can manually create separate tables for each website within the same database.

For example, you can create tables for:

  • website1_users
  • website2_users
  • website1_posts
  • website2_posts

Alternatively, installing a WordPress multisite network is an advanced way of making multiple WordPress sites on the same database. Its main advantage is that you don’t have to install WordPress separately for every new website you create.

Simply add the following line to your wp-config.php file:

define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );

Now log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Tools -> Network Setup to configure it.

By implementing these methods, you can efficiently run multiple websites in one database without needing separate databases for each.

Improve Website Speed & Performance With Leverage Browser Caching

Leverage Browser Caching is a factor responsible for the browsing speed of your website. Fetching resources over the network can be slow and expensive as some downloads need multiple roundtrips between the client (where the website is requested) and the server i.e. where the website is being hosted. This delays the processing, may block the rendering of webpage content, and sometimes also incurs data costs for the visitor.

Specifying a server caching policy helps the client determine when it can use the previously fetched response. Google Page Insights also uses this in counting the performance of your website.

So, Leverage Browser Caching is a website performance optimization technique that involves specifying how long web browsers should store certain resources, such as images, CSS files, JavaScript, and other static assets, locally on the user’s device. By doing so, the browser can reuse these resources for future visits to the site, rather than downloading them again from the server.

This type of browser catching can be activated either by using some plugin like Leverage Browser Caching or by manually setting up an expiry date or maximum age for static resources such as images etc in the HTTP headers which can be done with the following code:


ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/jpg “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/gif “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/png “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType text/css “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/pdf “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/x-javascript “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access 1 year”
ExpiresDefault “access 2 days”


Simply open your .htaccess file located in your website’s root directory and paste the given code.

Key Aspects:

  • Caching Duration: The website owner or developer sets a cache expiration time (e.g., days, weeks, or months) for specific resources through HTTP headers.
  • Reduced Load Time: Once cached, resources are loaded from the user’s local storage, significantly reducing page load times during repeat visits.
  • Lower Server Load: Since resources don’t need to be downloaded repeatedly, server requests are minimized, improving server performance and reducing bandwidth usage.

WordPress Plugin for Leverage Browser Caching

Leverage Browser Caching plugin fixes the leverage browser caching issues on your website improving the page speed score on website testing tools like Pingdom, GTmetrix, PageSpeed, Google PageSpeed Insights, YSlow, etc.

Simply find, install, and activate this plugin from Plugins -> Add New page on your website’s admin area dashboard. It does not have any option. It will start working as soon as you activate it.

The plugin works for the Apache server simply by adding browser caching code inside the htaccess file. To remove the code you just need to deactivate the plugin.

How Leverage Browser Caching Works?

When a visitor first accesses a website, the browser downloads the necessary resources. With browser caching enabled, these resources are stored locally and remain available for a set period, so they don’t need to be downloaded again unless the cache expires or is cleared.

It improves user experience and search engine rankings by speeding up website performance.

How To Launch Your Website On WordPress Hosting?

WordPress hosting refers to web hosting specifically optimized to run WordPress websites. It provides a platform that enhances the performance, security, and easy use of WordPress sites.

The hosting typically includes specialized features such as pre-configured WordPress installation, automatic updates, and security enhancements, ensuring that WordPress sites run efficiently without the need for manual maintenance.

To create a website on Sangkrit.net’s Managed WordPress Hosting, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase a Managed WordPress Hosting Plan: First, log in to your Sangkrit.net account. Navigate to the “Hosting” section and select a WordPress plan that meets your needs. Complete the purchase process.
  2. Set Up Your WordPress Website: After purchasing the hosting plan, go to your Sangkrit.net dashboard. Select “WordPress” under the hosting section and click “Setup.” Choose whether to create a new website or migrate an existing one.
  3. Choose a Domain: You will be prompted to choose a domain name for your website. You can select one from your Sangkrit.net account or register a new domain.
  4. Install WordPress: Sangkrit.net will automatically install WordPress for you once you choose the domain. This installation process takes only a few moments.
  5. Access Your WordPress Dashboard: After the installation is complete, you can access your WordPress dashboard by clicking the “Manage” button next to your WordPress installation in the Sangkrit.net dashboard. The WordPress dashboard URL will be something like “yourdomain.com/wp-admin.”
  6. Choose a Theme: In your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance -> Themes and browse or upload a theme that fits your website’s goals.
  7. Install Essential Plugins: The WordPress hosting on Sangkrit.net often comes pre-installed with essential plugins, but you can also add more by going to the “Plugins” section in your WordPress dashboard. Consider adding SEO tools, caching plugins, and security solutions.
  8. Customize Your Website: Customize your website by adding content to pages and posts, adjusting menus, and configuring your theme settings.
  9. Set Up Backups and Security: Sangkrit.net’s WordPress Hosting includes automated backups and robust security features. Review these settings and enable any additional options as necessary.
  10. Launch Your Website: Once you’re satisfied with your website’s design and content, make it live by ensuring your domain is properly connected, and start promoting your website!

Your site is now live and running on Sangkrit.net’s WordPress Hosting, optimized for speed, security, and ease of use.

How To Choose The Right Title For Your Website?

In the previous lesson, you learned about adding or changing the title of your WordPress site. Choosing the right title for your website depends on the purpose of your site, the business name you have, and the audience you’re targeting.

In this lesson, there are some factors to consider and suggestions based on different types of websites. These will help you understand how you can give a title to your website.

Website Title for Personal Blog:

Focus on your name or niche

If it’s a personal blog, the title could include your name or the topic you’re writing about.

For Example: “John’s Travel Adventures”, “Healthy Living with Sarah”

Website Title for Business or Portfolio Site:

Use your business name or service description

The website title should reflect your business name or what you offer.

For Example: “Smith Design Studio”, “Tech Solutions Hub”

Website Title for E-commerce Site:

Focus on products or services

Highlight what your store sells.

For Example: “Stylish Home Decor”, “Gourmet Coffee Shop”

Website Title for Educational/Informational Site:

Highlight the subject or expertise

The website title should reflect on the knowledge or service you’re offering.

For Example: “Learn Digital Marketing Today”, “Fitness Mastery”

Website Title for Community or Non-Profit:

Focus on your mission or objective

Highlight your cause or community.

For Example: “Green Earth Initiative”, “Tech for All”

For A Good Website Title,

  • You must keep it concise and relevant: A short and clear title works best.
  • You should make it memorable: Choose a name that is easy to remember.
  • You may include keywords: For SEO, you may consider using keywords related to your site’s niche or purpose.

Your website title should be clear, concise, and descriptive, accurately reflecting the content or purpose of your website while incorporating relevant keywords for SEO and at the same time ensuring it is memorable and easy to spell.

How To Add/Change The Title & Tagline Of Your WordPress Site?

Giving a title to your WordPress site defines your identity on the Internet and helps with search engine optimization. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log into your WordPress admin area and navigate to the General -> Settings section.
  2. Enter a title in the “Site Title” field, simply type the name you want for your website. This will appear in the browser tab, search results, and often in the website’s header and footer depending on your theme.
  3. You may add a tagline in the tagline field present below the site title. The tagline is a brief description or slogan that tells visitors what your site is about.
  4. Once you’ve entered the title and tagline, click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page.

Alternatively, same can also be done by navigating to Appearance -> Customize page using the ‘Site Identity’ section.

Make sure your site title is concise and reflects your business, brand, or purpose, as it impacts your site’s visibility and user experience.

How To Write Blog Posts In WordPress?

Posts are the content entries used for showing articles and news content on your website. They are generally displayed in reverse chronological order on your home page or blog page. In contrast to pages, posts are un-hierarchical content types included in your website’s RSS feed.

As soon you install WordPress, you will notice a post with the title ‘Hello World!’. It is a sample WordPress post that you can edit or delete from the Dashboard -> Posts -> All Posts page. In the same way you can write new posts from Posts -> Add New page. In this lesson, you will learn how to create your first post in WordPress.

Step-1 Login To Your WordPress Site

First, log in to your website by visiting yourdomain.com/wp-admin page in your web-browser.

Step-2 Visit ‘Add New’ Post Screen

As soon you log in to the WordPress admin area, you see the dashboard’s home screen (Dashboard -> Home). Now navigate to Posts -> Add New screen as shown on the given screenshot:

Step-3 Start Writing

Add a title and start writing your content. Use the ‘+’ button to insert custom blocks for adding images inside your posts. For instance, To insert any image from your computer:

  1. Click the ‘+‘ button
  2. Click the ‘Image‘ icon
  3. Click ‘Upload Files‘ to upload the image and click insert image.
  4. You can also add a custom link to the image, set its alignment, or choose a custom size.

The image is inserted on the location of your cursor.

On the right hand side you will be noticing a ‘Categories‘ metabox, from there you can select a category for your post. If this is your first blog post, you will need to create a new category, simply click ‘Add New Category‘ link, give a name to your category and add it.

Similarly ‘Tags‘ metabox enables you to add keywords related to your post. Tags and Categories are for grouping similar posts together. The main difference between tags and categories is categories are hierarchical taxonomies where you can create child or subcategories whereas tags are given by simply typing keywords and your post gets un-hierarchical grouped in the given tag.

Post Excerpts is another metabox present at the bottom of post content box. Post excerpts are the small summaries of posts showing up on the multipost pages like home page, the blog post, tags & category archives pages, and on the search engine result pages. Adding an excerpt is an optional thing to do, if you don’t give post excerpts then it will be automatically taken from the beginning lines of your post.

Step-4 Publish Your Post

Finally, when you are done writing your post click the ‘Publish‘ button and your post will go visible to your website visitors. You may also use the ‘Save Draft‘ button to save your post as a draft in Posts -> All Posts -> Drafts (Link) for completing and publishing it in the future.

Some other options of the right admin sidebar include Status which shows whether your post is a draft, under review or published, Visibility option lets you control post visibility i.e. you can make your post public (default) or private (only for logged in users) or password protected (you can lock it with a custom password) and the ‘Move to Trash‘ option that deletes your blog post.

How To Convert Accent Character Images Into SEO Friendly File Names In WordPress?

Bad filenames unrelated to the image are also not good for SEO. The reason is; that search engines like descriptive and meaningful filenames.

Another drawback of bad filenames is that they sometimes break your images in a web browser. The problem arises when you host many media files on a multi-author WordPress installation and you cannot monitor everyone to upload pictures with good and meaningful names.

These issues can be easily resolved by using a WordPress plugin called Clean Image Filenames.

The plugin works by auto-enforcing clean filenames on images and other media files you upload to the WordPress media library. Thus, it improves your website’s search engine optimization. The plugin works while you upload new files, it doesn’t work on old files uploaded on your media library.

How Does It Work?

Bad image filenames such as Château de Ferrières.jpg or Smörgåsbord.png are changed to good and clean filenames like chateau-de-ferrieres.jpg and smargasbord.png.

The plugin simply replaces accents and special characters, like Swedish or German umlauts, in the filename uploaded to your media library.

  • It converts accent characters to non-accent, Latin equivalents in Swedish, Danish, German, and more.
  • It removes special characters such as exclamation marks, periods, hashtags, and more.

You should also know that the range of files can be extended using a filter in your theme or plugin.

How To Use It?

Install and activate Clean Image Filenames plugin on your WordPress site. Upon activation visit your admin area dashboard Media -> Add New page and upload a new image file with accent characters like Smörgåsbord.png

On the plugin settings page, you can set whether the plugin should work only on images or all file types.

As soon the image is uploaded, the filename will be filtered by the plugin to smargasbord.png. That’s what this plugin does for you.

Renaming Filename Based On Post Title

File Renaming on Upload is another good plugin that provides you with more powerful controls and options.

Unlike the Clean Image Filenames plugin which works automatically and has one manual setting to make, File Renaming on upload allows you to select various options on how to rename an individual filename after upload.

For example: You can auto-add your site name in the image file, remove strings and accents, rename the file based on the post title, and more.

How To Keep Your WooCommerce Inventory & Stock Levels Up-to-Date?

Regularly synchronizing your stock levels on your eCommerce website is essential for ensuring that your inventory is accurate, preventing overselling, and maintaining a smooth customer experience.

Previously you learned about enabling and disabling inventory in WooCommerce. Now, this lesson guides you on how you can manage it and keep it up-to-date.

1. Enable Stock Management in WooCommerce

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on “WooCommerce” > “Settings” > “Products” > “Inventory.”
  3. Check the box next to “Enable stock management” if it’s not already enabled.
  4. Set up options like low stock and out-of-stock thresholds, and choose whether to enable notifications for low stock levels.

2. Update Stock Levels Manually

  1. Edit Individual Products by navigating to “Products” > “All Products” in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Find the product you want to update and click “Edit.”
  3. Scroll down to the “Inventory” section under the “Product Data” meta box.
  4. Enter the correct stock quantity in the “Stock quantity” field.
  5. Click “Update” to save the changes.
  6. Or use Bulk Edit by selecting multiple products from the “All Products” list.
  7. Choose “Edit” from the “Bulk Actions” dropdown and click “Apply.”
  8. Update the stock quantities for multiple products at once, then click “Update.”

3. Regularly Review Inventory Reports

  1. Check WooCommerce Reports by navigating to “WooCommerce” > “Reports” > “Stock” to view your current stock levels, low stock, and out-of-stock products.
  2. Schedule Regular Reviews by making it a habit to review these reports regularly to ensure that your stock levels are accurate and up to date.

This way you can keep your WooCommerce stock levels synchronized, minimizing the risk of overselling and ensuring a smooth customer experience.

How To Track, Identify, And Remove Unused Images for a Faster WordPress Site?

This lesson will help you optimize your website by identifying and listing unused images in your WordPress media library. You can review the list and remove unwanted or unused images to free up storage space and improve your website’s performance.

Unused media files can be easily identified and deleted from the WordPress admin area. You can do this simply by navigating to the Media -> Library page and then selecting the ‘Unattached’ option from the dropdown box.

Now there is also a new WordPress plugin that enables you to track media files, know to what posts or pages an image is being used, and easily manage such images to clutter-free your website.

Simply install and activate the Media Tracker by searching for the ‘Media Tracker’ plugin on Plugins -> Add New page on your WordPress dashboard. Once the plugin is activated just navigate to the Media -> Cleaner page for managing the unused media files on your website.

Click any image to view what posts, pages, or post types are using that image. The Media Usage plugin offers a detailed overview of where each image is utilized across your WordPress site. It allows you to effortlessly locate and manage your media files, ensuring that all files are effectively utilized.

Next, the Media -> Cleaner page lists all unused images on your website. It provides you with the option to remove such images in bulk to declutter your website.

By identifying media usage throughout your content, this plugin helps you maintain an organized media library and avoid redundancy.

Identify And Block Fake Email Addresses From Registering & Commenting On Your WordPress Site

You can use AI to block fake spam email addresses from registering or commenting on your WordPress website. This can be easily done by using the new WordPress plugin called UserCheck.

The plugin uses an AI service for checking and blocking spam emails to maintain the quality of your website. You simply need to install and activate the UserCheck plugin by visiting Plugins -> Add New page on your WordPress admin area dashboard, then searching for the ‘UserCheck’ plugin to add it to your website.

Once the plugin is activated, it seamlessly integrates with WordPress registration and comment forms and starts to work automatically in the background. There are no configuration options to set.

Get The Best WordPress Experience Backed By Unparalleled Technical Support From The Experts

Sangkrit.net offers you the best WordPress hosting experience, backed by unparalleled support and resources. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting up, Sangkrit.net is the ultimate choice for WordPress hosting as its system is backed by WordPress experts and lessons that make you proficient in WordPress.

Why Choose Sangkrit.net For Your WordPress Site?

Expert Support from WordPress Professionals

  • Hosting your WordPress site at Sangkrit.net means you’re never alone on your website journey. The system comprises experienced WordPress experts dedicated to helping you get the most out of your site. Whether you’re facing a complex technical issue or need advice on optimizing your site’s performance, the experts are there to assist you every step of the way.
  • Unlike generic hosting providers, Sangkrit.net specializes in WordPress, which means you get targeted, knowledgeable support that understands the intricacies of this powerful platform.

Comprehensive WordPress Tutorials

  • Empowering users with knowledge is key to their success. That’s why Sangkrit.net offers an extensive library of WordPress tutorials that cater to all skill levels. From beginner guides that walk you through the basics to advanced tutorials that help you master the finer points of WordPress, the resources are created to help you build and manage a successful website.
  • The tutorials cover a wide range of topics, including theme customization, plugin management, SEO optimization, and security best practices, ensuring that you have all the tools you need to make your WordPress site a success.

Live Troubleshooting and Community Support

  • One of the standout features of Sangkrit.net is the commitment to community-driven support. The system encourages users to engage in live discussions through comments on posts, where you can seek real-time troubleshooting help and share your insights. This collaborative approach ensures that you not only receive expert advice but also benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the Sangkrit.net community.
  • Whether you’re troubleshooting a plugin conflict or seeking recommendations for the best SEO practices, the live discussion provides a dynamic and responsive environment to resolve your issues quickly and effectively.

    The Sangkrit.net Advantage

    • Tailored WordPress Hosting: The hosting services are optimized specifically for WordPress, ensuring fast load times, robust security, and seamless updates.
    • Scalability: Whether you’re running a small personal blog or a high-traffic eCommerce site, the hosting plans are scalable to meet your needs as your website grows.
    • 24/7 Customer Support: The support is available around the clock to help with any issues you may encounter, ensuring that your website is always running smoothly.

    Choosing Sangkrit.net for your WordPress hosting is more than just selecting a hosting option—it’s joining a system of experts sincere about WordPress. With expert support, comprehensive tutorials, and a vibrant community, you’ll have everything you need to build and maintain a successful WordPress website.

    So if you ready to take your WordPress site to the next level? Start your journey with Sangkrit.net today and experience the difference that expert support and a strong community can make.

    How To Mirror Content From One WordPress Post Or Post Type To Another ?

    If you’re using the Block Editor, you can use the “Query Loop” block or “Reusable Blocks” to include content from other posts or pages.

    Creating & Inserting Reusable Blocks

    1. Go to Posts or Pages and edit the content you want to reuse.
    2. Select the block(s) you want to reuse, click the three dots, and select “Add to Reusable Blocks”.
    3. Name the reusable block and save it.
    4. For inserting the Reusable Block, edit the post or page where you want to display the content.
    5. Add a “Reusable Block” and select the one you created.

    Using Query Loop Block

    1. Edit the post or page where you want to show content.
    2. Click the “+” button to add a new block and select “Query Loop”.
    3. Configure the block to display specific posts or pages.

    The Insert Pages Plugin

    The Insert Pages plugin for WordPress is a useful tool that allows you to embed the content of one page into another page or post. This is particularly helpful if you want to reuse content across multiple locations on your website without duplicating it.

    1. Simply install and activate the plugin.
    2. Upon activation, open the post, page, or any post type where you want to display content and click the ‘+’ icon.
    3. Type ‘Insert Page’ in the search and insert the correct block.
    4. Select the page you want to embed using the settings in the right-hand menu.
    5. Under the ‘Insert Page’ option, either enter the URL of the page or begin typing its title, which will trigger a dropdown menu. From this menu, choose the appropriate page or post.
    6. In the ‘Settings’ section you can view how the embedded content will look like.
    7. From the ‘Display’ dropdown, select the type of content you want to include, such as the post title, link, excerpt, or the full page content.
    8. The plugin also enables you to add custom CSS, opt to display the page content inline, and even restrict visibility to registered users only, hiding the content from anonymous visitors.
    9. Once you’re satisfied with the appearance of the content, be sure to click ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ to save your changes.

    Alternatively, especially on old WordPress installations or sites using the classic WordPress editor, you can mirror content by using the Content Mirror plugin. The plugin enables you to mirror your WordPress site content from one page or post to another, you can also do this between subsites in a WordPress multisite network.

    Simply install and activate Content Mirror. After activation, the plugin adds its TinyMCE button in the content visual editor, the button is simply used for mirroring content.

    The plugin lets you mirror content from pages and posts, as well as custom post types and display it on other pages, posts, or custom post types. It is multisite compatible and works across sites in a WordPress multisite network configuration.

    How To Register Your Domain Name At Sangkrit.net For Optimal Results?

    Registering your domain name at Sangkrit.net offers unparalleled advantages that set you up for online success. With Sangkrit.net, you get a seamless registration process, exceptional customer support, and robust security features. You enjoy easy-to-use management tools, and the flexibility to scale as your business grows. Sangkrit.net’s intuitive system ensures you have everything you need to thrive in the internet world.

    Registering a domain name at Sangkrit.net involves searching for your desired domain, selecting it, and completing the registration process. This way you can easily secure your domain name and manage it effectively through your Sangkrit.net account.

    Finding and registering a perfect domain name is the first crucial step in building your online business. Whether you want to bring your business online and earn money from your website or you want to secure your name on the Internet, registering your domain name is important before someone else holds it.

    How To Register A Domain Name?

    1. Visit http://system.sangkrit.net
    2. Type the name you wish to register
    3. Click the select button next to the domain you wish to register
    4. Click the Proceed to Cart button
    5. Checkout to own your domain

    During the process of registration, the system may offer you additional services like domain privacy protection, email hosting, or website builders. You can choose to add these services or proceed without them.

    In between the process, you will be asked to enter the necessary contact information for domain registration. This typically includes your name, address, phone number, and email address.

    Confirming Your Domain Registration

    1. Check Your Email: Sangkrit.net will send a confirmation email to the address you provided. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your domain registration.
    2. Access Your Domain: Once verified, you can manage your domain through your Sangkrit.net account dashboard.

    Managing Your Domains

    1. Log In to Sangkrit.net: Access your domain management page by logging in to your Sangkrit account, navigating to the ‘My Products’ page, and clicking ‘Domains’.
    2. Update Settings: From this page, you can update domain settings, configure DNS records, set up domain forwarding, and manage any additional services you purchased.

    What domain name you should register? In one line, you may simply register your full name as your domain name. Or, if you already have a business then you may register your business name as your domain.

    Choosing the right domain name is crucial for establishing a strong online presence. When selecting a domain name, consider a few key factors: relevance, simplicity, and memorability. Your domain should reflect your business or personal identity, your domain name can make it easy for your visitors to understand what your website is all about or it can define your business after you successfully build a strong online presence.

    Opt for a simple domain name, avoiding complex spellings or hyphens, which can lead to confusion or misspellings. A memorable domain name will stick with users and make it easier for them to return to your site.

    Additionally, keep your target audience in mind; incorporating relevant keywords can improve your site’s search engine visibility. Finally, choose a domain extension that suits your purpose, such as .com for commercial sites or .org for organizations. Ensuring that your domain name is unique and aligns with your business identity will set a solid foundation for your online success.

      What domain extension to choose? The most popular domain extension on the internet is .com and then there are .net and .org but now there are hundreds of other domain extensions available that make it easy for you to get a domain name with an extension that represents your business.

      These extensions include .constructions .contractors .enterprises . graphics .cab .institue .boutique .foundation .consulting .events .actor .media .university .college .healthcare .cooking .business .wedding .dentist and many-many more.

      There are also country-specific domain extensions such as .us for USA .in for India .eu for Europe etc.

      What to do if your domain name has already been registered? You may opt for other available domain extensions or you may use the domain backordering option that shows up on domains that have been already registered by someone else.

      How To Backorder a Domain?

      1. Search for the domain name
      2. Click the backorder button
      3. Follow screen instructions

      This enables you to watch the status of any currently registered domain name and secures your chance to register that domain as soon it becomes available.

      You have registered your domain name, now what is next?

      Based on your requirements, you may either subscribe to Managed WordPress or go for a hosting option such as cPanel, Cloud, or VPS to bring your website online.

      How To Bulk Update Product Prices In WooCommerce Using Its Built-In Feature?

      WooCommerce provides a built-in bulk edit feature that lets you update prices directly from the Products page in the WordPress dashboard.

      Step 1. Navigate to the Products Page

      Log in to your WordPress admin area dashboard and navigate to the Products > All Products page. This will display a list of all your WooCommerce products.

      Step 2. Select Products for Bulk Editing

      Now select the products you want to edit:

      • To select individual products, check the boxes next to each product.
      • To select all products on the current page, check the box at the top.
      • If you want to edit all products, even those not currently visible on the page then click on “Select all X items” after selecting the products on the current page.

      Step 3. Choose Bulk Edit Option

      Once your products are selected, click on the Bulk Actions dropdown menu at the top of the product list. Next, from the dropdown, select Edit and click the Apply button. This will open the Bulk Edit options panel.

      Step 4. Increase or Decrease the Prices

      In the Bulk Edit panel, you can update prices in several ways:

      Update Prices by Percentage:

      • To increase prices, select Increase by % from the Price dropdown and enter the percentage increase.
      • To decrease prices, select Decrease by % and enter the percentage decrease.

      Update Prices by Fixed Amount:

      Select Increase by $ or Decrease by $ from the Price dropdown and enter the fixed amount you want to add or subtract from the current price.

      If you want to set a new fixed price for the selected products, choose ‘Set to‘ from the Price dropdown and enter the new price in the field provided.

      Step 5. Apply the Changes

      Click the Update button at the bottom right of the Bulk Edit panel. WooCommerce will then apply these changes to all selected products

      This built-in process of updating WooCommerce prices needs no additional plugins or tools. It lets you quickly apply changes to multiple products based on a fixed amount or percentage without editing each product individually.

      Still, for more advanced price updates or when dealing with complex product variations, you may use a dedicated WooCommerce bulk edit plugin such as:

      1. Bulk Edit Products, Prices & Attributes for WooCommerce
      2. YITH WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing
      3. WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit

      Depending on the complexity and scale of your needs, you may choose the method that best fits your workflow.

      Enhance Your WooCommerce Store with Automated PDF Invoices and Packing Slips

      WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips is a popular plugin that automatically generates and manages PDF invoices, packing slips, and other documents for your eCommerce store. Here’s a detailed overview of the plugin:

      1. Automatic PDF Invoice Generation: Automatically generates PDF invoices for each order placed on your WooCommerce store. These invoices are then attached to the order confirmation emails sent to customers.
      2. Fully Customizable Templates: You can customize the invoice and packing slip templates to match your brand’s look and feel. The plugin offers a simple drag-and-drop editor, allowing you to add your company logo, choose fonts, and modify the layout.
      3. Bulk PDF Invoice & Packing Slip Generation: Store admins can easily generate invoices and packing slips in bulk from the WooCommerce orders overview page, saving time when processing multiple orders.
      4. Manual PDF Creation & Download: If needed, you can manually create, download, or print PDF invoices and packing slips directly from the WooCommerce order page. This feature is useful for handling customer inquiries or resending documents.
      5. Sequential Invoice Numbering: The plugin supports sequential invoice numbering, ensuring that your invoices follow a logical order. You can also customize the invoice number format to include prefixes, suffixes, and other patterns.
      6. Pro Features: The premium version of the plugin offers additional features, such as credit notes, proforma invoices, and more advanced template customization options. The plugin also includes automatic backups of PDF invoices and the ability to generate packing slips and invoices for individual products.

      How to Use WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips Plugin?

      Simply install and activate WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin. Upon activation navigate to WooCommerce > PDF Invoices page on your dashboard.

      Configure general settings such as attaching PDFs to order emails, choosing the document types (invoices, packing slips, etc.), and setting up invoice numbering.

      Under the Templates tab, you would be able to customize the look of your invoices and packing slips. Upload your logo, choose colors, and adjust the layout to suit your branding.

      Next, from the WooCommerce order page, you can view, download, or print the generated PDFs. You can also generate PDFs for multiple orders simultaneously from the orders overview page.

      WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips is an essential plugin for WooCommerce stores that want to automate and streamline their invoicing process. It provides professional, branded invoices thus enhancing your store’s credibility, and helps maintain accurate and organized records of all transactions, which is essential for tax and accounting purposes.

      While the free version is powerful, some advanced features like credit notes and more in-depth customization options are only available in the premium version.

      Google Authenticator Vs Wordfence Security: Essential Two-Factor Authentication Plugins for WordPress

      Implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) on your WordPress site is a great way to enhance security by adding an extra layer of protection. Here are some of the best two-factor authentication plugins for WordPress:

      1. Google Authenticator – Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

      This plugin is among the most popular choices for adding two-factor authentication to WordPress. It’s simple to set up and integrates seamlessly with the Google Authenticator app.

      Key Features:

      • App-Based Authentication: Works with the Google Authenticator app, providing time-based one-time passwords (TOTP).
      • Multiple 2FA Methods: Supports TOTP, QR codes, and push notifications for authentication.
      • Role-Based Access Control: You can enable or disable 2FA for specific user roles.
      • Backup Codes: Provides backup codes if you lose access to your authenticator app.
      • Compatibility: Compatible with WooCommerce, WP Multisite, and custom login pages.
      • Customizable: You can customize the 2FA experience, including setting up whitelisting or blacklisting for certain IP addresses.


      • Easy to use and set up.
      • Flexible with multiple 2FA options.
      • Highly secure with regular updates and support.


      • Requires users to have access to a smartphone or authenticator app.

      The plugin is ideal for users who prefer app-based authentication and need flexibility in managing 2FA for different user roles.

      2. Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan

      Wordfence is primarily known for its comprehensive security features, but it also includes a robust two-factor authentication feature.

      Key Features:

      • 2FA for All Users: Supports two-factor authentication for all user roles, from administrators to subscribers.
      • App-Based Authentication: Uses TOTP via the Google Authenticator or any other TOTP-based app.
      • Login Security: Includes other login security features like CAPTCHA, brute force protection, and country blocking.
      • Detailed Reporting: Provides detailed reports on login attempts, including 2FA failures.
      • IP Whitelisting: Allows whitelisting of IP addresses, so users from specific locations can bypass 2FA.
      • Centralized Management: If you’re managing multiple sites, you can control 2FA settings from a single dashboard using Wordfence Central.


      • A comprehensive security solution that goes beyond just 2FA.
      • Easy integration with existing WordPress security measures.
      • Detailed logging and reporting.


      • The plugin might be overkill if you’re only looking for 2FA and not full-site security.
      • Some advanced features require a premium subscription.

      The plugin is best for users looking for an all-in-one security solution that includes two-factor authentication as part of a broader suite of security tools.

      Both of these plugins offer robust two-factor authentication features that can significantly improve your WordPress site’s security. Google Authenticator – Two Factor Authentication is ideal for users who need a straightforward, dedicated 2FA solution with flexibility for different user roles.

      Whereas, Wordfence Security is perfect for those who want a comprehensive security package that includes 2FA as well as other essential security features. Depending on your needs, either plugin can provide a significant boost to your website’s security.

      Performing Bulk Edits In WordPress Database With Better Search Replace Option

      In the previous lesson, you learned about editing MySQL databases using the search-replace option on the cPanel. For the more complex tasks, WordPress users may use the ‘Better Search Replace‘ plugin to effortlessly update their website’s database from their admin area dashboard.

      Using the Better Search Replace WordPress plugin is straightforward and can save you a lot of time when you need to perform bulk updates across your database. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it:

      Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin

      1. Log in to Your WordPress Admin Dashboard
      2. Install and activate the ‘Better Search Replace’ plugin from Plugins -> Add New page.
      3. Go to the Plugin Settings: In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Tools > Better Search Replace to open the plugin’s settings page.

      Step 2: Configure Your Search and Replace Operation

      1. Enter the Search Term: In the Search for field, type the text or URL you want to search for in your database.
      2. Enter the Replace Term: In the Replace with field, type the text or URL you want to replace the original text with.
      3. Select the Tables to Update: Under the Select Tables section, choose the database tables where you want to perform the search and replace operation. You can select multiple tables or use the Select All option.
        • Common Tables:
          • wp_posts for post content and pages.
          • wp_options for site settings.
          • wp_postmeta for custom fields.

      Step 3: Run a Dry Run (Optional but Recommended)

      1. Enable the Dry Run Option: Check the Run as dry run? option. This will simulate the search and replace operation without making actual changes, allowing you to see how many fields will be affected.
      2. Run the Dry Run: Click the Run Search/Replace button. Review the results to ensure that the operation will do what you intend.

      Step 4: Execute the Search and Replace

      1. Disable the Dry Run Option: Uncheck the Run as dry run option.
      2. Run the Search/Replace: Click the Run Search/Replace button to execute the operation. The plugin will now make changes to your database based on your configuration.
      3. Check the Affected Content: After the plugin has run, review your site to ensure the changes have been applied correctly.
      4. Clear Caches (If Applicable): If you’re using a caching plugin, clear your site’s cache to ensure that the changes are reflected on the front end.

      Step 5: Repeat if Necessary

      If you need to run another search and replace operation on different tables or with different search/replace terms, repeat the steps above.

      Additional Tips:

      • Backup Your Database: It’s always good practice to back up your database before making bulk changes. So that if you encounter any issues, you can restore your database from the backup you created earlier.
      • Serialized Data: The plugin automatically handles serialized data, which is essential for many WordPress plugins and themes. This means you don’t have to worry about breaking serialized arrays during the search and replace process.
      • Multisite Support: If you’re running a WordPress Multisite network, you can perform search and replace operations on individual sites or across the entire network.

      Following these steps, you can efficiently update URLs, text, or any other content across your WordPress site.