Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping might have unresolved differences along with adverse commitments but they are close enough to cooperate without colliding and that is great enough for determining the age of Asia to begin with. They have completed another wondeful meeting at Mamallapuram in south India. This was their second informal summit.
They met in Wuhan in central China for their first informal summit in April 2018. Such regularly organized informal summits between India and China without any official agenda works pretty well for both the ancient most civilizations and their leaderships.
Narendra Modi & Xi Jinping in Wuhan
Gradually these informal summits would acquire utmost global value in practice as both the rerising countries would independently be competing to regain their global worth lost through their past subjugations. Informal summits between the top leaders of India and China are of utmost importance not only for Indian and Chinese peoples but for every other people also on the planet Earth. As together from time to time, both the leaders might formulate a few multilateral mechanisms as well to get pursued globally by both the governments avoiding their conflict of interests. Since both the countries are sincerely determined to disallow their differences from deteriorating their relations.
Other than the informal summits of the top leaderships of both the countries, cultural exchanges among both the peoples via business, leisure and marriages could also consolidate their further potential pretty well beyond the concurrent imagination.
In general there is a question that what utmost benefit the people of India may derive from this Loksabha election? In India not only the ruling party INC constantly failed despite ruling India since independence but the so-called opposition of BJP also failed after winning three elections in a row. Even seasonal outfits like AAP emerged and failed many times before also in the formats of Janata Party, Jan Morcha and Janata Dal. Therefore e-merging India should vote for a change by opting all open options wisely since it is the engine of a real revolution instead of any Rahul Gandhi, Narendra Modi or Arvind Kejriwal.
The particular question is that how could you contribute your utmost in to this Loksabha election? The new thing this time is a NOTA (none of the above) button on voting machine. Pushing that vote poses a true threat to corrupt mechanism of incompetent representation. Not any politician but the upcoming Internet class is the engine of revolution everywhere. Internet Growth Engine is focusing to constantly increase its numbers everywhere so that people across all countries may stop now repeatedly losing their elections.
Just think, if Vijay Goyal goes through Delhi Assembly elections without offering unnecessary credit to Narendra Modi and wins to become the Chief Minister. Again think, if Narendra Modi wholeheartedly campaigns to make Vijay Goyal Chief Minister but fails because of Sheila Dikshit or more adversely due to Arvind Kejriwal. Have you understood now that whatever result may come through Delhi’s assembly elections, Narendra Modi is sure to get defeated. If Delhi assembly elections are given due hype, Narendra Modi loses for sure.
Delhi is India’s only state that can boast of complete connectivity. Total number of mobile phone connections here are much larger than total number of people living here. Internet Growth Engine has got greater internet influence than both BJP and Congress. a concerted campaign can make anyone win here but no campaign can make Mr Narendra Modi a political beneficiary out of Delhi’s assembly elections. That is the check-mate. The game is over before it could even begin.
When politicians feel that their high has arrived and they become very used to the power given by people, they meet their fall within no time then. They have to step down mostly from the height of their career. Because most of their constituency is deformed in dissatisfaction till now and they are usually surrounded by only vested interests. Moreover they start feeling that they are really that much popular and compulsory for people while the truth becomes just opposite to such notion. That is why politicians are usually brought down when they are at their height.
Above all their final campaigns, which result in their decisive downfall become very much consolidated due to their people seeing their high. Whereas in fact their true constituencies become very much dissident till then and due to that consolidated campaign, public ire backfires directly to them. While if they opt for concerted campaigns and instead of getting dependent on a few favorite persons tactfully utilize all adversaries also, their chances of survival improve.