Tag Archives: DNSSEC

Increase Your Website Security With Domain Name Security Extensions

Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC) increase your website’s security by authenticating the origin of the DNS data. It is a powerful DNS option that activates another level of security to your domain name and website by adding a digital signature record known as DS to the DNS information.

How to use DNSSEC?

You can use it by upgrading to Premium DNS and then you can enable DNSSEC in your account.

How to upgrade to Premium DNS and use DNSSEC?

  1. Visit your domain portfolio on your products page at Sangkrit.net
  2. Select the domain name and open its management
  3. Select the option to subscribe and add the Premium DNS
  4. You can now enable DNSSEC over your domains

All you need to do is enable DNSSEC and the system will take care of the zone signing process on your behalf. There are no complex options to set like general DNS and self-managed DNSSEC which is used when you are not using Sangkrit.net nameservers.

There are some country code domain names such as .IN .US .DE that doesn’t work with secondary DNS, those users may use the Domain Ownership Protection option with Website Security.