Tag Archives: Better Blogging

Nice Blogging Tool That Finds People Asking Questions About The Things You Know

InboxQ helps you to create better blog topics by finding people who are willing  to know something about the information and things you know.

How it works ?

  1. It Creates a campaign targetting questions you can answer.
  2. You answer the questions directly from your own Twitter account.
  3. Hence you earn more followers and customers.
  4. See it in action in the following video:

How to start ?

  1. Visit InboxQ.
  2. Click Get Started.
  3. Enter your keywords. You can enter keywords from 3 to 10, one in each line.
  4. Click Preview Questions
  5. Answer them. These all are in twitter. Create related blog posts  and share with these people.

When you click Answer Question; it prompts you to login with twitter. After logging in you can answer the question or reply your blog post URL related to that particular question.