Here’s something new for video bloggers. If you like making a collection of your favorite YouTube videos in your WordPress blog then you can make it more easy. WordPress Oembed makes video posting easier but now you can make it more easier, no need to embed any video fusing Iframe, shortcode or direct URL (via Oembed). For posting any YouTube Video in Your WordPress blog all you need to like it on YouTube. Just favorite any YouTube video and it will get automatically posted on your WordPress blog as custom post type.
YouTube Favorite Video Posts
YouTube Favorite Video Posts is a WordPress plugin that provides you auto posting feature from YouTube. In simple words I say that you can do video blogging direct from your YouTube account.
This plugin works in the background for grabbing all those videos which you mark as your favorites in YouTube and then feed get parsed into new WordPress blog posts and videos automatically get embedded in the content of those posts. Once this data is available, you can add theme support for displaying your latest favorite videos for your visitors.
Available Options Include:
- YouTube Username
- Max Items To Fetch
- Feed Fetch Interval Time
- Default Post Type and Status
- Embed Width & Embed Height

Usage: Install and activate YouTube Favorite Video Posts plugin then add your YouTube username and set other options from YouTube Videos menu in Settings section in your dashboard, as shown in the image given above.