Wildcard & Multi-Domain SSL Certificates: Which One Do You Need?

A Wildcard SSL Certificate and a Multi-Domain SSL Certificate (SAN or Subject Alternative Name certificate) allow you to secure multiple websites or subdomains under a single certificate. Here’s an explanation of each.

Wildcard SSL Certificate

A Wildcard SSL certificate is designed to secure a domain and all its subdomains.

For example, if you have a Wildcard SSL for *.example.com, it will secure the main domain, example.com, as well as any subdomains such as blog.example.com, shop.example.com, and other subdomains like mail.example.com. This makes it ideal for businesses or website owners managing several subdomains under one domain, ensuring that all of them are encrypted without needing separate certificates.

Multi-Domain SSL Certificate (SAN Certificate)

A Multi-Domain SSL, or SAN SSL, is meant to secure multiple distinct domain names within a single certificate. It can cover different domains, subdomains, or even various domain extensions.

For example, one SAN certificate could secure example.com, example.net, shop.example.org, and anotherdomain.com. This type of SSL is useful for businesses or individuals managing multiple domains or websites, allowing them to secure each domain or subdomain without purchasing separate SSL certificates.

The main difference between the two is that Wildcard SSL focuses on securing all subdomains of a single domain, whereas Multi-Domain SSL allows for securing multiple different domains and subdomains with one certificate.

Another important thing you should know is that all multi-domain SSL certificates are wild-card compatible but not all wild-card certificates are multi-domain compatible so choose wisely.

Benefits of These SSL Certificates

Both Wildcard and Multi-Domain SSL certificates are cost-effective, reducing the need to purchase and manage multiple certificates. They also simplify the management process, as you only need to handle one certificate instead of several, especially when it comes to renewals.

Apart from this, both certificate types ensure that all domains and subdomains under the certificate are encrypted and secure, enhancing the security of your web presence.

Whether you need to secure multiple subdomains or entirely different domain names, Wildcard and Multi-Domain SSL certificates offer convenient and flexible solutions to ensure that your websites remain secure.

Which SSL Do You Need?

The choice between the two comes down to whether you’re primarily securing subdomains of a single domain or need to cover multiple domains. If your focus is securing multiple subdomains under one main domain, a Wildcard SSL is the best fit.

However, if you need to secure entirely different domains, then a Multi-Domain SSL is the solution. Both options offer robust security but are tailored for different needs. You can easily subscribe to your choice of SSL certificate from here.

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