Tag Archives: News

Dell Has Announced Its Re-entry In Linux Based Laptops

Today Dell announced its re-entry in Linux based laptops. These laptops would be coming  pre-loaded with Ubuntu Linux and the good thing is that there is no dual boot of Windows which increases the speed of your machine and you work in the best operating system. If you require dual booting then you would have to buy Windows version laptop and install Linux manually. The configuration of XPS13 Laptop has 4GB of RAM with Intel Core i7 processor and 256GB solid state hard drive.

Security Flaw In Amazon’s Kindle Touch

The H’s associates at heise Security demonstrate a proof-of-concept exploit for the Kindle Touch which causes the kindle to reboot. There is a security flaw in web browser built into Amazon’s Kindle Touch eBook reader. Whenever any user navigates any specially crafted webpage the kindle executes arbitary shell commands as root that allows attackers to access the eBook reader’s underlying Linux system and potentially steal the access credentials for the Amazon account linked to the Kindle, or purchase books with account of Kindle’s user. Check this report and this video.

Bitcoin Vending Machine – Exchange Euro Coins For Bitcoin (Wallets)

Bitcoin Vending Machine is a mechanical vending machine which exchanges 1€-coins for Bitcoin. This machine works with the service of easywallet.org which provides a Bitcoin wallet with web interface similar to online banking. One can only access the account through a secret link which you get in exchange of 1€-coin. Using this link a customer can send 1€ to another Bitcoin user.

Here is an announcement on bitcointalk

[iframe][/iframe] THU JAN 05 2012 14:53 EST: Stuart W. Card, PhD of Critical Technologies Inc. made the first ever purchase (a bag of popcorn) from a vending machine using a QRcode and a smartphone Bitcoin wallet, in the laboratory of Upstate Networks Incorporated (developers of BTCVend [tm] and DroidVend [tm]).
The payment portion of this historic transaction can be viewed in the Bitcoin blockchain at http://blockexplorer.com/tx/71d1ff84da409e6a6c57cb81d6c27f2c664d66cafcbce1817… a transfer from Bitcoin address 1JN8zzT9nPU5DMBHvN3na8Bjb8cWwUyKjd to Bitcoin address 136qBUojeTBR6Y5XYQjHvtm4WSqAamwk1c in block 160776

How Everybody Reacted On Breaking Bad Season 5, Live Free Or Die

“Live free or die” is the name of Breaking Bad’s fifth season premiere. Series is one of the most serialized in American television history created and produced by Vince Gilligan. It is the story of Walter White (Bryan Cranston) who is a struggling high school chemistry teacher is diagnosed with lung cancer at the beginning of the series. He turns to life of crime, producing and selling methamphetamine with a former student, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), to secure his family’s financial future before he dies.

Look how people are reacting and what they are guessing for Breaking Bad, Season 5:

Mike was the one who used the balloon to mess up the electrical wires, not Walt. Great start to the season. Starting the season with a scene over a year into the future was great (again). It makes me want to know what happens so much more.


Walt is a bad man, but i cannot stand mike. he criticized walt and called him the “answer man” but mike always seems like he thinks he is above everyone else, and he has all the answers. mike is just such a smug jerk. walt is too, but i like walt. i feel bad for skyler though. she gets so much crap. but mike, man i officially find him more irritating than tyrus.

David Gueirlla

Mike’s great! “I can imagine a lot of outcomes, but none of them end with Miller time.”


Jesse doesn’t have a piercing down there…otherwise a lot more than that lap top would have been ripped away from him.


Skyler will start attempting to kill Walt


I think as walt has become the antagonist, Jesse role has switched he now is turning into the protagonist, which might end in walts ultimate demise.


I think the laptop will be repairable I wont be surprised if later in the series we hear from Hank about it being repaired, I really can not stand Skyler her up and down moods and blank facial expressions are annoying she had her chance to run away but the money attracted her. Knowing the clip we seen from the end of the series it will no doubt be some unrelated reason why he is there maybe picking up a gun for one of his new henchmen just like how we waited all season to see his house burn to realize it was a plane crash.


I think the bank account info will possibly lead the DEA to Saul who is now more susceptible to turn in Walt over fear over his own life given Walt’s intimidating gestures in the meeting the had during s5e1.

Frank Asaurus

— Arielle Vandenberg (@shmarielle) July 16, 2012



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Whether Julian Did This To Calm Down US ?

Timing of WikiLeaks’ release on Syria shows some smart move as anonymous comments on thenextweb.com saying “Now what will probably happen is the US will want to put a medal on Julian’s neck rather than try to lynch him.” Whatever may be the reason but opening up the governments is always welcome and being smart is equally important in surviving through the battles for freedom.

Invading Iraq was not the worst mistake by United States of America as one worse mistake is now going on by unnecessarily trying to legislate and prosecute the Internet

Today Madeleine Albright said that US made worst mistake by attacking Iraq but invading Iraq was not the worst mistake by United States of America as one worse mistake is now going on by unnecessarily trying to legislate and prosecute Internet. It won’t serve any purpose either except making US history the worst thing to read ever for future generations.

A 24 year old British student at Sheffield Hallman University Richard O’Dwyer is about to be extradited to USA for 10 years in prison for making a website sharing online contents. Such things are not less ill-advised than invading Iraq was.

Now the people of all countries require protecting Julian’s freedom forever

Julian Assange already did utmost to open up the stubborn governments. After doing that much for world he has every possible right to save his freedom. Now the people of all countries require protecting Julian’s life and individual freedom forever from the agents of states around the world. It has become just like protecting your own individual freedom for you.

We are ready to respect any government if that can respect the freedom of individual and Internet

No we are not disheartened by electoral results in Egypt. It is not a direct outcome of Jasmine rebellion but is an outcome of Western representative democracy in Egypt. It is still a long-long battle ahead for the people who seek political liberation from the yoke of state.

We are ready to respect any government if that can respect the freedom of individual and Internet. Unfortunately if any government fails in doing that much we are left with no obligation but to resist.

Unleashing the greatest potential of Hindi for growing into largest marketplace on Internet can resolve global crisis

Universal Free Education System in Hindi is unleashing all probability of deprived Hindi population. Opening a school costs a lot in comparison of allocating a public terminal of Internet and that is how Universal Free Education System is configured. Hindi, Chinese, Russian. Spanish and Portuguese all deserve to interact with each other without English medium. Unleashing the greatest potential of Hindi for growing into largest marketplace on Internet can certainly resolve concurrent global crisis.

I congratulate you Mark Zuckerberg for being number one now on planet earth !

Finally facebook has removed google from its global number one rank slot. It is true TODAY that facebook is number one. It will remain so further or not is of lesser importance. Anyone likes it or not is very personal but facebook is now top-most asset formation on planet earth built almost individually by a proficient programmer’s being devotionally focused for what Steve Jobs often praised Mark Zuckerberg. I congratulate you Mark Zuckerberg for being number one on planet earth. You are excellent.

Developing useful websites, which may attract users is itself a mass movement now

Many movements not only originated out of internet but eventually made it mother of all modern movements. Not only Arab Spring, Occupy Movement and Anonymous were movements out of Internet but Google, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and WikiLeaks were also movements out of it. Developing useful websites, which may acquire users is itself a mass movement now. It is called Internet and it is invincible by useless old states.

Internet is the movement and humanity is moved

Human-being wants to remain anonymous just to avert the tyranny of states while at the same time wishing to re-occupy the planet Earth just to prevent precious resources of humanity from getting wasted in the hands of states. It is humanity that has moved subsequently once Internet has become its movement. Now nothing can ever stop it from going on forever.