Rediscovered Routes Of Human Evolution

Katerina Harvati has brilliantly shown that her predecessors were all mistakenly faithful that out-of-Africa dispersal of humanity took place around some 65,000 years back. She has in fact overturned the whole anthropological order of old school by laying a new foundation of fact that Africans migrated once prior to that also almost 130,000 years back taking another route. Thus she has reinvented another framework for further research so this new-found route must get named after her.

The old school in Anthropology had invented the fact, that people of all countries originally got dispersed out of Africa some 65000 years back for establishing that humankind originated only in Africa. Now with another fact of a lot earlier dispersal, the whole anthropological order becomes a subject to reinvestigation.

Research led by Katerina Harvati has successfully established that there were several migratory movements outside Africa and through this output of her works what we should additionally see is that during all those migrations, the Africans get dispersed toward many lands with better prospects, which might have already been populated with better-off peoples. As always only some better opportunity abroad prompts migration of people from anywhere to anywhere.

It is impossible that any dispersal occurs only once. This misunderstanding is based on another misunderstanding that humanity originated at one place. Whereas it is an ongoing process as very much akin to that Katreina Harvati was born in Athens in 1970 to the parents of Epirus origin, went to the Law School of Athens before to realize that this is not what she wants to do and finally she left for the United States of America, where she took her first degree in Biological Anthropology at Columbia University. Again she migrated to Germany to hold office at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen although she still cooperates with the University of Athens as well as with the Greek Ephorate of Paleoanthropology and Speleology. Humankind has to migrate like that following different pursuits at different times. Moreover social and sexual selections, continuously functioning in reflexive complexity, are changing our traits.


Arrows that have taken another earlier route also due to her great research may have been misdirected too since her discovery has established that people were already present in India and other places en route during the prior said ‘first’ migration out of Africa.

Why Africa failed to build any considerably sound civilization? Why Mathematics took an entirely opposite route? Why the first ever knowledge books were compiled in India? Isn’t it unwise to believe whatever place and grid tags used in genome since a long before the discovery of place and grid cells of brain? It is also unscientifically biblical that traces back all human ancestors to any single source of origin.

The southern route region invented by Katerina Harvati has been long ignored by other archaeologists and anthropologists alike.blindmenandelephant Through that though at places such as India, may be the bones are not scattered because of the cremation patterns that ancient people followed from the very beginning of Indian civilization. The dead-bodies were burnt to immerse the ashes in the flowing river falling in Indian ocean. Still further hard work would bring out a lot more establishing facts in this regard. With Katerina Harvati, the old biblical basis of old school, which has been progressing on prerogatives akin to the famous folk story of blind men with the elephant, must come to an end. Only then her valuable work would add its complete value in to modern Anthropology.

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