YouTube Channel Gallery is an ideal YouTube widget that allows you to easily show your latest YouTube channel video and a thumbnail gallery of other videos underneath.
The widget enables you to set the custom width for thumbails and number of columns to be used for displaying your video gallery.
It provides you many more useful options for video feed, playback thumbnails and link etc.
How To Use YouTube Channel Gallery?
The YouTube widget can be displayed inside your posts etc via shortcode or you can display it globally on your website from the WordPress widgets admin section.
Main Features:
- Display latest thumbnail videos from YouTube user channel or playlist.
- When you click on one of the thumbnails the video plays at the top.
- This plugin uses the YouTube IFrame player API that allows YouTube to serve an HTML5 player, rather than a Flash player, for mobile devices that do not support Flash.
- You can choose to use this plugin as a widget or as a shortcode.
- You can use multiple instances of the plugin on the same page.