Breadcrumbs are the trail navigation paths displayed on user interface of any web page or application. Breadcrumbs typically appear horizontally across the top of a web page, often above or below the content title.
But today in this lesson we will show you how you can display breadcrumbs using a widget in your WordPress site.
Hot Breadcrumbs is the new WordPress widget plugin that shows a pathway (breadcrumbs) with link hierarchy of your website. The plugin is easy to set up and doesn’t needs any digging in theme files.
Start by installing and activating it in WordPress
Upon activation, visit your admin area dashboard Appearance -> Widgets page and drag-drop ‘Hot Breadcrumbs’ widget to a widget area.
The widget options allows you to show/hide home page link and customize the separator (default is >).
Breadcrumbs trail navigation shows links displaying path of how did your visitors get to current page and what is the way back. It is also good for some SEO reasons and it encourages better crawling of your website.
Earlier we have discussed about popular breadcrumb plugins, we have also discussed about implementing breadcrumb navigation on a BuddyPress powered website.