No! Donald Trump is not the global person of the year. Donald Trump is just another president of globally failing United States of America that he did promise to rebuild as great again for winning his election that he won only because the winning candidate Hillary Clinton got defeated by the hacktivists led by Julian Assange.
Unlike Narendra Modi, Donald Trump is the manifestation of a demoralized nationhood but the Time magazine has disallowed globally glorious Narendra Modi as its person of the year by saying that most of the votes he got were from India itself but the Time magazine as US business has failed even in accepting the changed global truth that India is now no less a world that USA is not now so forget about their capacity for proclaiming it.
Selecting a global person of the year is no more a job befitting to them since they cannot ever dare to defy their local limitation although their runner-up person of the year reflected as ‘hackers’ is the echo of concurrent global truth. The new normal of globalization is hacktivism that has won the world even through the very US presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump or through the diplomatic battles between Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama and Tayyip Erdogan.
Fidel Castro Ruz successfully ruled his people longer than any other ruler contemporary to him. Bedeviling eleven US presidents he survived all the assassination attempts, ordered by many of them. The only possible trick to get rid of Fidel Castro at CIA proved to let him get extremely old to pass away so naturally.
Not only he did change the world himself but has seen the world changing beyond his own imagination. He himself made the times of Earnetso Che Guvevara and lived beyond that to see Julian Paul Assange finally bringing the U.S. “to its knees” and called him a hero for his “challenge” to “the most powerful empire ever,” adding, “Ideas can be more powerful than nuclear weapons.” This was said by the man who once (in his urgent message on Oct. 27, 1962 that he had then sent to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev through the Soviet ambassador in Havana) urged Khrushchev to use nuclear missiles for eradicating the United States of America, if they attacked the Republic of Cuba.
Making Cuba sovereign and socialist was most difficult then but Comandante en Jefe of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro Ruz did just that. Moreover Compañero Fidel made his people literate, women independent and Latin American countries move beyond US interference. He earned his respect pretty well.
Every time US interfered everywhere but someone has shown the guts to interfere into the United States of America. Hillary Clinton wanted to drone him but he has made her politically drowned in the most hilarious way. Prior to that his patronage network saving US defector spy Edward Snowden has been a live show of real guts that proved more thrilling than all fake Hollywood hits showing poorer fiction.
Only idiots assume that he could be working for this or that government. Neither afraid of anyone nor about anything he is busy brutally shattering the facade of governments. Showing sovereign courage as the greatest netizen, he is the man named Julian Assange. After Richard Stallman’s free software effect, his impact upon internet age is proved the greatest. One of the most respected very few men in human history, he deserves being respected like that.
America is never going to become great again without respecting the man who finally defeated the United States of America. Just because it was he, who actually made Trump won, without even bothering for that. Now displaying a general disregard for the constitutional institution of democracy, every lesser mind trapped on the side of outgoing establishment questions the result that brought Trump to White House and like morons can only mourn their majority mandate.