Why Sangkrit.net Hosting Owners Don’t Need Cache Plugins?

Website cache conducts a process of temporarily storing digital copies of web pages and their resources such as HTML files, images, CSS, JavaScript, and other elements in static form.

These cached copies are then served to users when they browse the website, as a result, the load on the server is reduced as the requests are decreased, and the processes used for generating the same content repeatedly are also lessened. Thus, caching significantly improves website performance, its loading speed, and overall user experience.

So everytime when it comes to website optimization and performance enhancement, caching is often one of the first techniques recommended. Caching stores copies of web pages or parts of pages to deliver content more quickly to users. Typically, website owners resort to various cache plugins or tools to improve loading speeds, especially for WordPress or other CMS-based websites. However, if you’re using Sangkrit.net hosting, you can skip the hassle of managing cache plugins. This is because Sangkrit.net’s hosting and servers come with cPanel integrated with Nginx cache, allowing users to activate powerful caching mechanisms with a single click.

This article explains why Sangkrit.net hosting users don’t need any external cache plugins or tools and how the built-in Nginx caching in cPanel provides a comprehensive and efficient solution for optimizing website speed and performance.

The Advantages of Built-In Nginx Cache

Effortless Activation from cPanel

Sangkrit.net hosting plans include cPanel, which is the most popular control panel for web hosting. What sets Sangkrit.net apart is the integration of Nginx as a reverse proxy cache. This means that Nginx sits between the user’s browser and the web server, caching the content and serving it to users directly without having to process requests repeatedly on the server.

The caching can be activated with just one click from the cPanel dashboard. Users do not need to install additional plugins or configure complex settings to benefit from caching. Once the Nginx cache is enabled, the server automatically handles the caching process for both static and dynamic content. This makes it especially beneficial for beginners or those who want a hassle-free way to optimize their websites.

Superior Speed with Nginx Caching

Nginx is widely known for its high performance, especially when it comes to handling multiple requests simultaneously. Unlike traditional caching mechanisms, Nginx operates as a reverse proxy, which allows it to cache static assets such as images, JavaScript, and CSS files, as well as dynamic content. By caching at the server level, Sangkrit.net’s Nginx integration reduces the load on the web server, leading to faster loading times.

Since the cache is handled by the server itself, it is much more efficient than using third-party cache plugins. With a cache plugin, the server still has to load WordPress or another CMS to serve cached content, whereas Nginx can directly serve cached content without invoking the web application, leading to substantial performance improvements.

Reduced Server Load

The primary purpose of caching is to reduce the load on the server. When cache plugins are used, they still operate within the environment of the content management system (e.g., WordPress), which requires server resources to process even cached requests. On the other hand, Nginx handles caching outside the CMS, serving cached responses directly from the memory or disk.

This server-level caching approach not only frees up resources for other processes but also significantly reduces server response time. For Sangkrit.net users, this means that websites can handle more traffic with the same amount of server resources. The server-level caching also helps to prevent overload during traffic spikes, ensuring consistent website performance.

Why Cache Plugins Become Unnecessary?

Compatibility Issues with Plugins

Cache plugins often have compatibility issues, especially with complex themes, eCommerce functionalities, and other plugins. These compatibility issues can cause unexpected errors, such as broken layouts or malfunctioning features. With Sangkrit.net’s Nginx caching, the cache works independently of the CMS and is applied at the server level, eliminating the potential for such conflicts.

Furthermore, there is no need to troubleshoot the cache plugin settings or adjust the configuration based on different requirements, as the Nginx cache system has already been optimized to deliver maximum performance.

Simplified Cache Management

Managing cache plugins often requires regular maintenance, including purging the cache when updates are made to the site. Failing to do so can cause visitors to see outdated content. With Sangkrit.net’s built-in Nginx caching, cache purging can be done effortlessly through cPanel, which simplifies the management process. The system can also be configured to automatically refresh the cache at specified intervals.

Users no longer need to worry about adjusting cache settings or dealing with complex cache invalidation rules. This makes it a better solution for those who prefer a simplified caching solution without compromising on performance.

Increased Security & Reduced Risk

Cache plugins, like any other plugin, can introduce security risks if not properly maintained. They may contain vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers. Additionally, using multiple plugins for caching and optimization may increase the risk of plugin conflicts, which can lead to website downtime.

Sangkrit.net users can avoid these risks entirely by using the server-level Nginx caching. Since the caching is handled at the server level, there is no need to rely on potentially vulnerable third-party plugins for performance enhancements. The server configuration itself ensures the caching system remains secure and functional.

How To Enable The Nginx Caching?

Enabling Nginx caching is straightforward and can be done in just a few steps:

  1. Log in to cPanel: Once you log in, locate the Nginx caching option within the cPanel dashboard.
  2. Turn on Nginx Caching: Enable caching with a single click, its there on the right side. The system is designed to be user-friendly, so no technical knowledge is required.
  3. Configure Cache Settings (Optional): While the default configuration works well for most users, advanced settings can be adjusted to control the caching behavior for specific pages or file types.
  4. Purge Cache When Necessary: Users can easily clear the cache from the cPanel dashboard when changes are made to the website that need to reflect immediately.

The Sangkrit.net’s hosting infrastructure is optimized for speed and reliability, with Nginx as a key component for delivering high performance. The combination of Nginx caching and SSD storage ensures that websites load quickly and handle traffic spikes with ease.

Sangkrit.net offers 24/7 customer support to assist users with any issues they may encounter. This means that even if you have questions about enabling Nginx caching or configuring your hosting, help is always available.

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