Performing Bulk Edits In WordPress Database With Better Search Replace Option

In the previous lesson, you learned about editing MySQL databases using the search-replace option on the cPanel. For the more complex tasks, WordPress users may use the ‘Better Search Replace‘ plugin to effortlessly update their website’s database from their admin area dashboard.

Using the Better Search Replace WordPress plugin is straightforward and can save you a lot of time when you need to perform bulk updates across your database. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it:

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin

  1. Log in to Your WordPress Admin Dashboard
  2. Install and activate the ‘Better Search Replace’ plugin from Plugins -> Add New page.
  3. Go to the Plugin Settings: In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Tools > Better Search Replace to open the plugin’s settings page.

Step 2: Configure Your Search and Replace Operation

  1. Enter the Search Term: In the Search for field, type the text or URL you want to search for in your database.
  2. Enter the Replace Term: In the Replace with field, type the text or URL you want to replace the original text with.
  3. Select the Tables to Update: Under the Select Tables section, choose the database tables where you want to perform the search and replace operation. You can select multiple tables or use the Select All option.
    • Common Tables:
      • wp_posts for post content and pages.
      • wp_options for site settings.
      • wp_postmeta for custom fields.

Step 3: Run a Dry Run (Optional but Recommended)

  1. Enable the Dry Run Option: Check the Run as dry run? option. This will simulate the search and replace operation without making actual changes, allowing you to see how many fields will be affected.
  2. Run the Dry Run: Click the Run Search/Replace button. Review the results to ensure that the operation will do what you intend.

Step 4: Execute the Search and Replace

  1. Disable the Dry Run Option: Uncheck the Run as dry run option.
  2. Run the Search/Replace: Click the Run Search/Replace button to execute the operation. The plugin will now make changes to your database based on your configuration.
  3. Check the Affected Content: After the plugin has run, review your site to ensure the changes have been applied correctly.
  4. Clear Caches (If Applicable): If you’re using a caching plugin, clear your site’s cache to ensure that the changes are reflected on the front end.

Step 5: Repeat if Necessary

If you need to run another search and replace operation on different tables or with different search/replace terms, repeat the steps above.

Additional Tips:

  • Backup Your Database: It’s always good practice to back up your database before making bulk changes. So that if you encounter any issues, you can restore your database from the backup you created earlier.
  • Serialized Data: The plugin automatically handles serialized data, which is essential for many WordPress plugins and themes. This means you don’t have to worry about breaking serialized arrays during the search and replace process.
  • Multisite Support: If you’re running a WordPress Multisite network, you can perform search and replace operations on individual sites or across the entire network.

Following these steps, you can efficiently update URLs, text, or any other content across your WordPress site.

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