How To Use Remote SSL On Your Website?

Remote SSL allows you to manage SSL certificates for domains or websites that are hosted remotely, meaning outside of your current cPanel hosting environment. It offers the ability to install an SSL certificate on a website that is hosted on a different server from where the SSL certificate was generated or managed.

How Does Remote SSL Work?

Normally, SSL certificates are generated and installed on the same server where the domain is hosted. But with Remote SSL, you can generate the certificate in your cPanel environment and then transfer it to a different server where the website is hosted.

Remote SSL management can be useful if you’re handling multiple hosting environments or need to install SSL certificates on servers that don’t have direct integration with cPanel.

How To Use Remote SSL On cPanel?

  1. Access SSL/TLS Manager: Log in to your cPanel dashboard and navigate to the “SSL/TLS” section.
  2. Generate SSL Certificate: Use the cPanel interface to generate a new SSL certificate or import an existing one.
  3. Transfer to Remote Server: After generating the SSL certificate, download the necessary files (certificate, private key, and CA bundle) and manually upload them to the remote server where your website is hosted. Use the appropriate SSL installation method depending on the remote server’s software (e.g., Apache, Nginx).
  4. Remote Installation: On the remote server, follow the usual procedure for installing an SSL certificate.

This approach allows you to secure websites hosted elsewhere while managing your SSL certificates centrally from your cPanel.

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