You can make WordPress automatically abbreviate all your blog posts when they appear on multiple-post pages like main blog’s page and other category and tag archive pages etc.
Evermore is a WordPress plugin that automatically abbreviates all posts and leaves the same effect as putting <!–more–> tag after the first paragraph of every blog post of yours. All formatting and HTML tags are preserved in the abbreviated post and in case if any blog post already has a <!–more–> in it then no problem this existing <!–more–> tag behaves as usual.
Installation & Usage:
Install and activate Evermore plugin. After activation visit Dashboard -> Settings -> Evermore page and set the configuration options. Here it allows you to:
- Set Preview Paragraph Number
- Set Preview Character Numbers
- Show-Hide Read More Link To Appear By Itself
If when you want to disable this plugin for some specific post then you will have to include <!–nevermore–> in the post, it doesn’t shows up in your post but it prevents that particular post from getting abbreviated by this plugin.