Sometimes WordPress widgets page becomes very much slows and you need to refresh it everytime for dragging and setting up widgets to your sidebar. This was happening in my website from past few month, the reason was that I stocked many widget in Inactive Widgets section of WordPress widgets page and everytime I was struggling a lot to scroll down and close that inactivate widgets section by clicking on the small inverted triangle given on the right side of mostWordPress meta boxes. Since there were many inactive widgets stocked in my Inactive Widgets section so it was hard to remove them one by one and this takes time which bloggers don’t have specially when they are logged in to theiradmin area. I search Google and found a really nice plugin that allows you to remove inactivate widgets from yourwidgets page.
This tutorial is on the usage of Remove Inactive Widgets plugin which adds a button to the widget’s admin page for deleting all inactive widgets stocked in your WordPress site.
Step-1 Install and activate it. After activation visit your WordPress admin area Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgetspage.
Step-2 Scroll down to Inactive Widgets section and you will see a new button added with name Remove InactiveWidgets.
Step-3 Click Remove Inactive Widgets button and it removes all inactive widgets without even refreshing all yourwidgets page