If you have a YouTube channel for your website, you can very easily display all latest videos from there to your WordPress site either by using a widget or by using shortcodes inside you pages etc. Youtube Channel Gallery lets you display a YouTube video and a gallery of thumbnails for a YouTube channel.
How To Use Youtube Channel Gallery Plugin?
Using Widget: Install and activate the YouTube Channel Gallery plugin. After activation you can use its widget from Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets page for displaying latest videos in your website’s widget areas like sidebar, footer widget area etc. The widget is highly configurable. First most important thing is to provide widget a user ID or a playlist ID in the feed tab of the widget. Player and thumbnails tabs allows you to choose player and thumbnail sizes for your YouTube gallery. Finally, save your settings and see how it looks like.
Using Shortcode: You can also display a YouTube channel gallery using it shortcode inside your posts or pages etc.
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery user="sangkritdotnet"]
For displaying a playlist instead of any YouTube channel/user, simply change feed type to playlist as shown below:
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed="playlist" user="*******************"]
For displaying video description with thumbnail, you can add its parameters like this:
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery user="wpbeginner" title="1" description="1" thumbnail_alignment="top" descriptionwordsnumber="10"]
Not only this much but there are many more parameters you can use with your YouTube Gallery Shortcode like:
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed="user" user="MaxonC4D" feedorder="desc" videowidth="500" ratio="16x9" theme="light" color="white" quality="small" autoplay="1" rel="1" showinfo="1" maxitems="9" thumbwidth="90" thumbratio="16x9" thumbcolumns="3" title="1" description="1" thumbnail_alignment="left" descriptionwordsnumber="10" link_window="0"]
Main Features:
- Display latest thumbnail videos from YouTube user channel or playlist.
- When you click on one of the thumbnails the video plays at the top.
- This plugin uses the YouTube IFrame player API that allows YouTube to serve an HTML5 player, rather than a Flash player, for mobile devices that do not support Flash.
- You can choose to use this plugin as a widget or as a shortcode.
- You can use multiple instances of the plugin on the same page.