Some businesses are facing a much harder time in finding an online way of doing business to stay out of debt and difficulty. Such businesses include salons & spa businesses, individual barbers, teachers, instructors, event organizers, house management, home care services, individual experts such as plumbers & electricians, etc. The solution for them is to stop waiting for the crisis to end in order to meet clients in person. Instead, they should start coaching people online by blogging their business.
Start Training People Online
For instance, the barbers should get away from grooming and styling other people and start coaching their expertise online simply by blogging their business. The same can be done by artists, yoga instructors, gym and fitness instructors, craftsmen, electricians, plumbers and many other types of self-employed individuals, etc to make people easily learn necessary things or the subjects they are interested in, online from their home simply by following specific blogs.
Blog Your Business
To start a blog all you need is to register your domain name, and subscribe to Managed WordPress to start blogging your expertise. You may also make some video tutorials from your smartphone and embed them in your blog posts via YouTube or VideoPress.
You May Offer Some Paid Content
You may keep most of the content free of cost and make money from Google Adsense (Google it to learn more). Additionally, you may offer some premium content with a detailed set of instructions, videos, and images as paid posts. This can be easily done by installing and activating Pay For Post plugin in your Managed WordPress blog. This can be helpful in generating quick money from your old customers who already admire your services.
Startup As People’s Personal Outlet
The income from your blog might take some time to build up so in the meantime you may pivot in your business and start-up as people’s personal outlet. As a people’s personal outlet you can help other businesses to come online, you can easily do this by using Managed WordPress.