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How To Choose Between DV, SAN & EV SSL Certificates?

UCC (Unified Communications Certificate) and SAN (Subject Alternative Name) DV (Domain Validated) SSL certificates are both types of SSL/TLS certificates used to secure websites and online communications. While they serve similar purposes, there are some key differences between them:

Usage and Compatibility

  • UCC SSL certificates are specifically designed for use with Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS), which require SSL certificates with multiple domain names (also known as Subject Alternative Names or SANs) to secure various services such as Outlook Web Access, Autodiscover, and Unified Messaging.
  • SAN DV SSL certificates, on the other hand, are more general-purpose SSL certificates that support multiple domain names (SANs) and can be used with a wide range of web servers and applications. They are commonly used to secure websites with multiple domain names or subdomains.

Validation Process

  • Both UCC and SAN DV SSL certificates are Domain Validated (DV) certificates, meaning that the certificate authority verifies only the domain ownership of the applicant. This validation process is typically automated and does not involve extensive vetting of the organization or individual requesting the certificate.
  • As DV certificates, neither UCC nor SAN SSL certificates provide any information about the identity or legitimacy of the organization or individual behind the website. They simply confirm that the applicant has control over the domain(s) listed in the certificate.

Number of SANs Supported

  • UCC SSL certificates typically support a higher number of Subject Alternative Names (SANs) compared to SAN DV SSL certificates. UCC certificates can secure multiple domain names (up to 250 or more), making them ideal for large organizations with complex IT infrastructures and multiple domains.
  • SAN DV SSL certificates typically support a more limited number of SANs, often ranging from 1 to 100 domain names or subdomains. While this may be sufficient for many websites and small businesses, organizations with a larger number of domain names may require a UCC certificate for comprehensive coverage.

Price and Availability

  • UCC SSL certificates tend to be more expensive than SAN DV SSL certificates due to their advanced features and support for a higher number of SANs. The cost of UCC certificates may vary depending on the number of SANs included and the certificate authority (CA) issuing the certificate.
  • SAN DV SSL certificates are more affordable and widely available, making them a popular choice for small to medium-sized businesses and website owners looking to secure multiple domain names or subdomains without breaking the bank.

    While both UCC and SAN DV SSL certificates offer support for multiple domain names, UCC certificates are specifically tailored for Microsoft environments and support a higher number of SANs. SAN DV SSL certificates, on the other hand, are more versatile and cost-effective, making them suitable for a wide range of web servers and applications. The choice between the two depends on your specific requirements, budget, and compatibility with your IT infrastructure.

    The Extended Validation of EV SSL

    Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are a type of SSL/TLS certificate that provides the highest level of validation and assurance for websites. Unlike Domain Validated (DV) and Organization Validated (OV) certificates, which only verify domain ownership and basic organization information, EV SSL certificates undergo a rigorous validation process to verify the legal identity and legitimacy of the organization behind the website.

    The main features of EV SSL certificates include:

    1. Extended Validation Process: The validation process for EV SSL certificates involves thorough vetting of the organization’s legal identity, operational existence, physical address, and ownership details. Certificate authorities (CAs) conduct extensive background checks and verification procedures to ensure that the organization is legitimate and trustworthy.
    2. Green Address Bar: One of the most distinctive features of EV SSL certificates is the green address bar that appears in the browser when visitors access a website secured with an EV certificate. This green bar provides visual assurance to users that the website is authenticated and belongs to a legitimate organization. It helps build trust and confidence among visitors, increasing conversion rates and reducing the risk of phishing attacks.
    3. Highest Level of Encryption: Like other SSL/TLS certificates, EV SSL certificates provide strong encryption to secure data transmitted between the website and visitors’ browsers. They use industry-standard encryption algorithms (e.g., RSA or ECC) and support key lengths of 2048 bits or higher to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and interception.
    4. Browser Compatibility: EV SSL certificates are widely supported by modern web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and others. They are recognized and trusted by all major browsers, ensuring that visitors see the green address bar and know that the website is authenticated and secure.
    5. Enhanced Trust and Credibility: By displaying the green address bar and undergoing a stringent validation process, websites secured with EV SSL certificates demonstrate a commitment to security and trustworthiness. This can have a positive impact on brand reputation, customer confidence, and online credibility, leading to increased user engagement, sales, and conversions.

    Overall, EV SSL certificates offer the highest level of validation, security, and trust for websites, making them ideal for e-commerce sites, financial institutions, government agencies, and any organization that values online trust and credibility. While EV certificates may be more expensive and require more extensive validation compared to DV and OV certificates, the benefits of enhanced security and customer trust justify the investment for many businesses and organizations.

    How To Choose & Subscribe?

    You may either choose the choice of your SSL from Sangkrit.net Regular SSL Service which also offers another SSL option called EV SSL i.e. extended validation. Alternatively, you may go for Managed SSL Service where a team handles the installation and maintenance of your SSL over your websites.