@Sangkrit wants young people to #OccupyWebspace. Let the future do so responsibly.
Own your domain and subscribe WordPress to increase your networth via sangkrit.global to #OccupyWebspace now forever following a simple course.
Let all your grievances #OccupyWebspace and all your despairs shall certainly go away. All the occupy movements could comfortably get assimilated into one #OccupyWebspace. It would truly become too big to fail.
Protesters only waste this world’s time while programmers change this world. Furthermore programmers make the future but domainers own it. The future doesn’t require protesters. Future needs programmers and domainers to change this world.
Own your domain at sangkrit.domains before to work online to #OccupyWebspace. The best thing in this is that you own your hard work. #OccupyWebspace as everything else could be wasting your time.