People often use randomly generated users and other data such as lorem ipsum to present their startup ideas, apps and web services. This is also useful while giving presentations, demonstrating the user interface and making a web service more lively for testing purposes.
With the arrival of new services, dummy text and user data is not just limited to mystery man and lipsum generator but you can easily have users generated with real faces, names, dummy email and mobile number instead of using memes and first letter avatars.
In this lesson we have hand picked some of the best online services that allows anyone to generate users with real faces and fake profile data to be used freely on mockups as well as on live websites.
UI Faces – User Inter Faces
UI Faces provides you an online collection of faces of real people which are allowed to be used on mockups and live websites. The tool originated from the daily toil of finding sample avatars for UI mockups, and created by Caleb Ogden.
It also provides you an option to add your face as avatar, just in case you want your photo to be more popular among netizens.
The tool is easy to use, simply start by visiting the homepage of UI Faces and you will be noticing tons of avatar of real people, click an image to browse all sizes and save it using native image saving functionality on your system.
The service also provides you some filters such as you can browse images of some specific size, having some specific background color, spacing and border radius etc.
UI Names – Randomly Generate Names
UI Names is an online tool to generate names to use in live websites and mockups for demo, presentation or for any other purpose online. The web service also provides you an API key which can used by anyone who wants to use this service in his website or smartphone app.
To start generating fake names all you need to do is visit their website and press SPACE BAR. Each hit on space bar will generate a new name with gender and location.
You can also generate names in bulk, all you got to do is turn the bulk mode on by pressing bulk mode button on top left side of the screen and it will start to display you multiple names at a time.
Generating names by gender and regions: The service provides you filters as buttons on the top left corner of your screen, using these filters you will be able to generate names of only males or only females or both and/or people from some specific country.
Random User Generator
The webservice was launched in August 2013 to generate free random user data for application testing purposes.
So if name and photo are not enough for you then try Random User Generator. It will enable you to generate entire user profile not just name and face. You will be able to generate user name, photo, a dummy email address, a contact number, date of birth, home address and also the password.