Writr is the brand new content oriented tumblelog WordPress theme, good for personal blogs and websites. Theme has a minimalist, fast and responsive layout which you can customize in minutes. Its default color scheme is green but provides you 6 different color schemes: turquoise (default), blue, green, grey, purple, red and you can also customize its header and background color. You can make it look wider, use a custom navigation on the left sidebar, use custom header and background images etc.
The theme’s header image shows up on the left sidebar, if you are using it on your personal weblog then you can use your own photograph. It gives you a modern look and attention to crisp typography. There are no complicated options and settings, it simply puts the focus on your image and your post content.
You can use wide featured images for your blog posts and they shows up both on single and multi post pages. Theme has one single widget area on the left on your sidebar. Widgets can be added from Dashboard -> Appearance Widgets page and all other theme customizations can be set from Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize page.