Tag Archives: Creating Content

How Writing More Posts Brings More Traffic To Your Website?

Creating more content is the most common SEO advice, search engine crawlers more frequently visits the website that posts regularly and according to various researches, it has been found that website that create more content gets more than 400% increase in their traffic.

When more posts are published on your blog, more pathways are opened for your target audience to reach you and with good internal linking and references to other posts you can increase the pages views and time on site.

Know The Free Channels That Give Traffic To Your Blog Post

  1. You get traffic from Search Engines when you post quality content
  2. You get traffic from social media when you share your posts on your page as well as the groups of your niche
  3. You get traffic from micro-blogging sites such as Twitter when you use appropriate hashtags
  4. You get traffic from posts on other websites when you post useful comments
  5. You get traffic from other websites when you review or mention their services or publish how-to guides for their apps and products
  6. You get traffic when you maintain & use your Email Marketing List
  7. You get traffic when you post consistently and make a following i.e. the people who directly visits your website

You will have to remember that you can attract visitors and retain them only by creating valuable content. Understand your target audience, their needs and problems, and then address them consistently with your blog posts to establish your domain as a reliable source of information.

Writing and publishing more blog posts on your website requires planning and consistent effort. You will have to set realistic goals planning how frequently you can post without compromising on the quality of your content. Set achievable goals based on your time. You can plan to post daily or weekly but the effort should be consistent. Choose a consistency that you can follow for a long time.

Make A List Of Possible Post Ideas

Writing down on a topic becomes easy when you have a list of possible post titles. Make use of the following points and then make a list of post titles and consistently add more titles to that list whenever your brain sparks.

  1. Consider your blog niche
  2. Browse the search trends
  3. Analyse your competitors
  4. Find the customer problem points
  5. Understand the needs and pain of the target audience
  6. Encourage your readers to contribute content or ideas
  7. Start searching Google for other blogs that fall in your niche
  8. Repurpose your posts, you can deep-dive in to a specific aspect
  9. Read popular blogs and then think what is missing or what is next
  10. Try Google Keyword Planner to discover popular topics in your niche
  11. Monitor social media platforms and communities related to your niche

Other ways to gather post ideas may come from keyword research, browsing hashtags on Twitter, following topics on social media, and reading forums, etc.

For instance, If blogging is your niche, you will find many topics by browsing WordPress forums to see what problems users are facing and then you can offer a better and well-elaborated solution in your new post.

Never compromise with the quality. Focus on creating valuable, informative, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience. By using a combination of these strategies, you can consistently generate new post ideas and keep up firing new posts everyday.