To configure WAF or CDN, you’ll need to additionally purchase a Website Security alongside your hosting option such as Business Hosting, VPS, or Dedicated Server.
Then, there are a few steps you will need to take to activate the Web Application Firewall(WAF) and Content Delivery Network (CDN) over your websites.

Start by subscribing to a Website Security option. Then, simply login to your account, move to the product page, and follow these steps:
- Select ‘Manage All’ given next to Website Security and Backups
- Select Set Up under Firewall, for the domain, you want to set up WAF and CDN
- For hosting users, the setup completes in a few minutes. But the server users need to follow a few more steps which are given below
- Use the link supplied under Internal Domains to make sure your site loads correctly
- Login to the account where your DNS is hosted and configure the A Record so it points to the Website Firewall using the IP address listed under your Firewall IP address
- Once A Record is updated, the Website Security dashboard will update and show that the service has been activated. This can take up to a day to complete
If you have a firewall on your hosting servers like CSF or ModSecurity, you should allowlist some IPs. Because all connections to your server will pass through this firewall and adding associated IPs to your firewall’s allow list is going to prevent your sites from being blocked incorrectly.
These are the addresses you should allow:,, 2a02:fe80::/29,,
Once WAF is activated, the Content Delivery Network (CDN) automatically starts working.