Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping might have unresolved differences along with adverse commitments but they are close enough to cooperate without colliding and that is great enough for determining the age of Asia to begin with. They have completed another wondeful meeting at Mamallapuram in south India. This was their second informal summit.
They met in Wuhan in central China for their first informal summit in April 2018. Such regularly organized informal summits between India and China without any official agenda works pretty well for both the ancient most civilizations and their leaderships.

Gradually these informal summits would acquire utmost global value in practice as both the rerising countries would independently be competing to regain their global worth lost through their past subjugations. Informal summits between the top leaders of India and China are of utmost importance not only for Indian and Chinese peoples but for every other people also on the planet Earth. As together from time to time, both the leaders might formulate a few multilateral mechanisms as well to get pursued globally by both the governments avoiding their conflict of interests. Since both the countries are sincerely determined to disallow their differences from deteriorating their relations.
Other than the informal summits of the top leaderships of both the countries, cultural exchanges among both the peoples via business, leisure and marriages could also consolidate their further potential pretty well beyond the concurrent imagination.