Sangkrit has made the online support a general commodity getting exchanged very regularly for everything happening online. His outlets generally thrive by extending online support to their clients.
What to sell?
Programming charges per terminal may be around 60 CHF per hour and above in Swiss currency. That is near about ₹ 5000 in Indian currency.
Ordinary online support can cost a lot less than that. It is a peer to peer free trade so prices move up and down very amicably.
Whom to sell?
Charging hourly per terminal basis, you should be selling the best of online support to the buyers of any dedicated servers from your outlet. That can easily become your regular source of income.
Moreover online support is now needed for everything happening online so you could be selling various sorts of support to everyone looking for that.
From whom to buy?
In the course of all that you may buy any necessary support from appropriate outlets, whichever are quite capable of extending that kind of a support.
Mail to for any help necessary in this regard.