Tag Archives: zurich

Make Direct Democracy The World Order Of Internet Age

In July 1867, first case of cholera was reported in Zurich and soon the disease was spreading throughout, mainly among the people from poorer and dirtier districts. In December 1867, thousands of the people gathered demanding their democratic rights by challeging then prevailing political order. In the autumn, the epidemic stamped out but the canton was all geared up to create the most democractic political system in the world.

Contemporarily both the restrictive and the representative societies have equally failed in saving humankind from upcoming pandemic as now they are busy blaming each other. Through this COVID-19 experience of humanity, it is affirmed by now that a direct democracy must become the world order of internet age.

Independent people do not deserve becoming the subjects of any restrictive or representative masters anymore. Instead they deserve taking all the necessary policy initiatives themselves.

Any restrictions and representations upon the public will are all outdated alike as in this age of internet any people can online elect to post, suspend and transfer any trained officials subject to their performance in implementing online public decisions.

This deserves becoming a direct democracy in the internet age. Let us make this the new world order.