Tag Archives: EPEL Repository

Configure Linux Server For The EPEL Repository

In order to have access to some important traffic monitoring controls, you will need to set up your CentOS system to use the EPEL Repository i.e. Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux.

However, this repository is not officially strengthened or endorsed by CentOS. Instead, it is supported by a bunch of Fedora Core enlistees to handle the packages which are normally used by Enterprise Linux professionals, especially the packages that are not included in either CentOS, Fedora Core, or Red Hat Linux Enterprise.

Possible conflicts on CentOS

Hence, sometimes there might be some chances for this repository to bring some conflicts on a server having common dependencies. To overcome such a situation, before deploying it you must test it on a non-production Linux system running the same servers as the production.

Advantages of EPEL Repository

The biggest benefit of operating the EPEL Repository over any other repository with CentOS is that the binaries are never impaired.

Installation & Configuration

Anyone can easily install it via YUM.

[root@user]# yum -y install epel-release

Once installation completes, you will need to update it

[root@user]# yum repolist

At this juncture, the EPEL Repository becomes ready to use.