Add “Pin It” Button To Your Google Chrome’s Bookmark Bar
For installing Pin It button in your Chrome: Visit Pinterest Goodies. Display your bookmark bar if
For installing Pin It button in your Chrome: Visit Pinterest Goodies. Display your bookmark bar if
Without using Plugin: Add this code to your theme's footer.php file before the </body> tag.
How To Remove Auto Links From WordPress Author Bio:
Given code hides post images but keeps thumbnail image in Category archive and homepage.
Facebook marketing team has released posters that you can use in your business stores after printing
GRANT command is be used for giving privilege to any user for accessing database. GRANT
Google Nexus 7: a post-PC device for the rest of us. Well played, Google. If
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Inexpensive and Surprisingly high-quality hardware fine working with Android Jelly Bean will make largest
Nexus 7 16GB Is Sold Out. Google is not taking any more orders for Nexus
Kyle Wagner's tutorial on How to Pirate Movies, Music, TV Shows, and Books Without
VIP team launched new plugin which is capable enough to control and manage all
Linux 3.5 has been released on 21 Jul 2012. This release includes support for metadata checksums in
Fewer Internet users trust Facebook with personal data than other Internet companies. According to Harris
Page Links To WP plugin allows you to make a WordPress page or post
Gplus.To allows you to create short URL for your Google+ profile like
Morons keep assuming that PHP was written in Perl. Wikipedia is spreading this false
[iframe] Hardware innovation (pdf with notes) from Tim O'Reilly [/iframe] From Maker to Mogul: The
Korean Virtual Shopping Stores, where all the Shelves are just LCD Screens. You choose
Virtual Shopping Store in Korea where all the Shelves are just LCD Screens. You