How To Configure ModSecurity To Protect Website From Cyber Attacks?
ModSecurity is a robust open-source web application firewall (WAF) designed to detect and prevent
ModSecurity is a robust open-source web application firewall (WAF) designed to detect and prevent
People may need to set or increase the amount of memory PHP scripts can
cPanel provides a straightforward way to restrict image upload sizes to control file storage
In a multi-author WordPress blog, maintaining image quality and controlling image file sizes are
Navigating through WordPress can become quite a task, especially for administrators managing complex sites
Image optimization is the process of reducing an image's file size without compromising its
The Menu Expiration Control plugin is an essential tool for WordPress users looking to
You can enhance WordPress editing process and work flow by tagging the post for
If you’re using WordPress, you can enable mod_expires and set up caching rules easily
Mod_Expires is a built-in module for the Apache web server, available on all Sangkrit.net
Website cache conducts a process of temporarily storing digital copies of web pages and
Domain extensions play a pivotal role in shaping online identities. While .com has long
The IP2Location Redirection plugin is a powerful WordPress tool that allows website owners to
After the SSL is installed on your domain name, you will need to redirect
Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS after installing an SSL Certificate is important as both HTTP
Hidden files on a server or hosting are invisible by default. They start with
cPanel Hosting is a user-friendly web hosting service that provides an easy control panel
Directory listing is a default server feature that shows the contents of a directory
Google's search display limit for any content title is near about 60 characters which
You can use each item of WordPress menus with your conditional statements. The plugin