Photo by Andrew Neel:

What Your System Administrator Cannot Do To Your Domains & Server?

As you have already learned that the system at allows you to assign a system administrator to manage your website and server. It also enables you to control his access and assign limitations.

But despite the permissions you have granted to him, for your account’s safety, there are some things that he cannot do to your account.

Your system administrator can purchase products (if you have granted his permission for that) using the payment method you have provided him or added to your account but he can never manage or add new payment methods to your account.

He cannot invite any helper to access your account or reach the online support team of specifically for your account. He cannot view or change your support PIN or password.

Your system administrator cannot view your order history or upgrade or downgrade your products but he can purchase and renew products if you have granted him specific permissions for that.

To get a system administrator to help you to manage your website, apps, and server you can simply email the system at

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