New Quick WordPress Blog Setup Dashboard Tool

Quick WP Setup is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly setup your WordPress blog without having to go through all the normal steps. For ex: After installing WordPress blog you will have to delete Sample Page and that ‘Hello World’ post, you install some of your favorite plugins etc etc. This plugin gets you rid from such setup steps. Great for webmaster working on client sites.

What This Plugin Can Do ?

  1. Removes active widgets like recent-posts, recent-comments, archives, categories
  2. Deletes sample content page and post
  3. Default WordPress settings are geared towards a CMS instead of a blog.
  4. Empty menus will be created and set to the theme’s registered menus
  5. Automatically installs your favorite plugins

  6. Creates a home page and sets it as the front page.
  7. Automatically deactivates itself when the work is done.

Installation & Usage:

Install and activate Quick WP Setup plugin. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Tools -> Quick WP Setup page and click ‘Proceed’ button.

Quick WP Setup 1

Quick WP Setup 2

The page will get refreshed a it will show you all execution made in your WordPress site.

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