Most Powerful And Featured Plugins In WordPress Plugins Repository

Currently there are over 22,000 plugins available for free download in WordPress Plugins Repository but from 22,000+ plugins WordPress.Org keep only 7 plugins as featured ones. Let’s see what these plugins offers you.

Powerful WordPress Plugins


Powerful WordPress plugin that provides you unofficial fixes for selected WordPress bugs, hence after updating to new WordPress.Org release you need to wait for the next WordPress core release for fixing up the bugs. All fixes are specific to the version of WordPress you are using. Sometimes it may happen that your version of WordPress has no fixes.


A great WordPress theme development tool. This WordPress plugin provides you a simple and easy way for testing your WordPress theme for all the latest WordPress standards and practices. Don’t get any wrong idea, this plugin is for testing any developed theme to latest WordPress standards before submitting it to WP Theme Repository not for checking your theme’s compatibility with new WordPress update.


Most powerful WordPress plugin that coverts any WordPress site to a social networking platform like Facebook or Twitter. You can easily extend your BuddyPress install with many new features and services by using different free and premium BuddyPress Plugins and Themes.


Anther powerful WordPress plugin that converts any WordPress site to a powerful forums and discussions system. You should know that WordPress.Org uses this plugin for its running support forums. You can use it in your BuddyPress network too. bbPress can also be extended with many new features by its free and premium plugins.

Tumblr Importer

Best WordPress plugin used for importing Tumblr content to your WordPress blog. This is the easiest way for the bloggers who want to migrate from Tumblr to WordPress seld hosted blogging platform. You can learn more about this free WordPress plugin by reading this tutorial.

Jetpack by

This plugin allows you to add popular WordPress.Com features including sharing, publicize, blog stats, contact forms, beautiful math, gallery features, custom CSS for theme and much more. Jetpack is developing really fast and providing you more updates with many new features. Jetpack can also be extended with many unofficial WordPress plugins, many WordPress developers provided us more WordPress.Com features like’s Like Button and Blog Follow Button by introducing powerful add on plugins for Jetpack users.

WP Super Cache

This WordPress plugin makes you website fast by providing you a very fast caching engine that automatically produces static html files and saves your resource usage. It generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress website and after a file is generated your webserver serve that file instead of processing comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.

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