Massively Home-Employ People To Build Residual Income For Yourself

Residual income is a type of passive income you make with very little or no effort. When you startup online as people’s personal outlet and successfully build a long chain of your own personal outlets, you start to get a residual income coming in. This income increases with time and you can live off without the need to sell anything yourself.

So rather than your profit coming from your direct selling of products such as WordPress Ecommerce, it starts to come when you home-employ people into your business as sellers. 

As a people’s personal outlet, your main task is to help other businesses come online, this can be easily done by using Managed WordPress or WordPress Ecommerce. Managed WordPress lets you start any type of blog, personal, or business website whereas WordPress Ecommerce works as a fully-functional online store. So learning a little about WordPress and recruiting people with the right network and good selling abilities is your code to success.

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