Know About Greatest Google Tips & Tricks On The Go

Yo can now easily know about the new thing you didn’t know you could do with Google. Google Tips shows you various tips and tricks that can use used with your favorite Google utilities like Google Maps,  Google Search, YouTube etc.

For instance, did you know you can be the first in line for YouTube latest hits, you can install apps on your Android phone without even touching it, make still photos on your phone not so still, ask Google Maps to give you directions to your destination, without even typing the addresses every time.

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You can quickly browse tips by things you can do on the go, at home, at the office- or by product.

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When you visit Google Tips page first time, it asks you to login with your Google Account and then it starts displaying you the tips in rectangular boxes.

You may also add its Google Chrome App on your Chrome or Chromium browser and get quick access to Google Tips page anytime.

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