How To Use Custom Colors On Social Sharing Buttons In WordPress?

Most of the WordPress sharing plugins uses the same default color for social icons like blue for Facebook sharing button, red for Google Plus and Pinterest, orange for StumbleUpon etc etc.

Even the plugins that allows you to select a custom color doesn’t lets you set it on per icon basis. Here comes the use of a plugin with more powerful color customization hacks.

Saif Sohel has created an awesome social sharing plugin. Unlike to other social sharing plugin this new WordPress addon allows you to use a custom color for each sharing icon.

How To Use EGW Social Share Plugin?

Your first step is to install and activate EGW SOCIAL SHARE plugin in your WordPress site.

Upon activation visit your admin area dashboard and open ‘Social Share’ settings page from left navigation menu.


Select where you like showing social sharing icons like you can display it on posts, pages, home page, tags, category and other archive pages.


Now your next step is to open ‘Social buttons’ tab to select custom color for each social sharing icon. There are tons of other customization options like button size, effects, enable shortcode display, above and after post position etc.

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