Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels

How To Update Folder & File Permissions On cPanel?

All files have some preset permission that directs the cPanel system on handling different access requests. For instance: The file permission tells the cPanel what files are only readable, or editable, or hidden on your server.

You can change file permissions by performing a few steps. Simply log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Open the products page
  2. Select your hosting or server
  3. Open your cPanel account
  4. Scroll down and open the FILE MANAGER
  5. Click Settings to open the Preferences box
  6. Click Permissions on the top toolbar
  7. Now simply use the checkboxes or given text boxes to update the permissions. The setting defaults to 0644
  8. When you are done, click Change Permissions 
  9. Your changes will be saved by the system

Note: You can visually change the file permission by using the tick box. In case, if you are using number code to change file permissions then you should know that:

  1. Zero is no permission
  2. Read permission is r or 4
  3. Write permission is w or 2
  4. Execute permission is x or 1


  • Read allows users to view and read the file
  • Write allows users to edit and update the file
  • Execute allows users to run the file as a program

But the permissions have a different meaning on folders:

  1. Read enables users to list and view the files in the directory
  2. Write enables users to create, rename, and delete files in the directory
  3. Execute enables users to access the files and folders within the directory

Next to each file permission, there are tick boxes for user groups. It allows you to set what permissions on a file are applied to what group of users. There are three groups given as checkboxes:

  • User means permissions are applied to the owner of the file
  • Group means permissions are applied to other users on the group to which the file belongs to
  • World means the permissions are applied for everyone, this also includes users who are not in the group to which the file belongs to

Read other lessons on cPanel File System.

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