How To Offer Renewals On Expired Downloads In WordPress Ecommerce?

To increase your recurring income you can offer renewable downloads on your WordPress Ecommerce website. 

If you sell books, PDFs, or any other downloadable products on your WordPress Ecommerce, you can send email reminders to your customers and ask them to renew their download to its newer version especially when their downloads are expired.

Download Renewals for WooCommerce is a WooCommerce plugin that lets you increase your recurring income by offering a download renewal option to your customers. This enables your customers to renew their purchase after a predefined time.

Simply install and activate it. Once activated the plugin automatically adds new fields for renewal price and product expiry in the ‘Product Data’ meta box on all product edit pages. 

All you have to do is enter a renewal price on the ‘Renewal Price’ field and set the number of days for product expiration on the ‘Download Expiry’ Field. Save your changes and it will automatically send email reminders to your customers at the time when their downloads expire.

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